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"Nothing can stop the ocean's wrath"

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"Nothing can stop the ocean's wrath"


Gasping once, she steps out from the entrance and the sight that is in front of her is war. The clashing of weapons being the loudest sounds, and they sting in her ear. Battle cries all around her and the screams of agony from being struck down is intense. Tears which she refuses to allow to fall down form in her eyes as she stares out into what she can only describe as horror. The Mermaids that fight alongside the man she loves are dying, one after another. The enemy that they fight is nothing but black smoke like creatures that have taken a human form.

Holding their weapons strongly, and yet they cannot be killed. For with each strike the Mermaids give to the black smoke creatures, it simply goes through their bodies. The Mermaids are being cut down. The bodies begin to pile up on the ocean's floor. Standing there, horrified, Isolde knows she must do something. Kneeling down to the ground, she picks up a sword that has fallen from a Mermaid who had died in battle. The sword is slightly heavy to her, but Isolde uses the ocean to assist her. Around her, she can feel how the ocean wishes to guide and lead her, expect she will lead the ocean.

Narrowing her eyes at the creatures that have taken a human form, still their form changes as smoke does. They do not move with the ocean, and neither do they appear to be in the ocean at all. They are in the ocean, but at the same time do not follow the laws of the ocean as everyone else does. The ocean has tuned red from the blood that flows through it. Seeing beyond the blood and the suffering is difficult for her, and yet she continues to try.

Not once has she seen the man she loves, Isolde worries not for him. With the sword in her hand, she swings it with all the force she can against once creature that has spotted her and is close to her. The sword goes right through them without doing any damage. "Have I ever said how much I despise those that refuse to die?" She asks with a smirk on her face. "No? Well you are about to see why" She hisses with venom in her voice. The creature is so close to her and appears to be angry.

It carries a sword as well, one that seems to be out of the same thing as the creature itself. The pain of those that serve her and have fallen she can feel, a subtle feeling, but it is there. Living inside her. Fueling her anger even more than the war had done. The emerald eyed Queen eyes the creature with the sword in hand. Neither wanting to give up. Swinging the sword once more, hers is met with the one of the creature, where is clashes together in a loud sound to rival the ones around them.

Isolde had been taught by a swordsman, yet she was never given the proper way to use a sword. Simply the basic on how to defend herself. It has been a long time ago since he received those lessons and most she has forgotten, and now she is forced to remember those lessons in an instant. The Queen wears no armor and a simple wound will strike her down where she will not be able to get back up again. None of the creatures speak, and neither does she care for that. She attacks the creature, grunting as the sword becomes heavy as the creature's pushes hard against hers.

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