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"Water can burn you and freeze you, don't mess with it"

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"Water can burn you and freeze you, don't mess with it"


"Isolde?" Ahmeya asks the girl as she noticed her walking in the hallways. However, her friend does not seem to have noticed her there or watching. All that the future Queen does is walk the hallways, as if she were lost in a trance. Confused, Ahmeya walks over to her friend and takes her wrists. Stopping her and forcing her to look into her black eyes. Ahmeya stares at her but even now Isolde does not seem to see her friend there. "Isolde?" She tries again. Confused at why her friend is acting this way when she was fine the last time she saw her.

Ahmeya knows exactly where she has been and with whom she has been with. Poseidon has not harmed her, he could never harm this girl. Though, it does appear like something has happened to her friend. The once bright emerald green eyes of the future Queen and her friend are now as dull as ever, appearing like the girl is not there at all. And she wonders if she is there with her. This causes her to worry about Isolde. The ocean nymph then takes Isolde's hand and begins to drag her towards the only person that might know.

Or perhaps the second one that might know, because the one that is the first is somewhere that Ahmeya cannot enter, and she will not be able to fetch him. She goes towards the room where Terra has made himself comfortable for the time being. Much to his brother's dismay. Isolde resists going the direction that her friend is pulling her, wanting nothing more than go the other way, the way that she was heading before. Because of her worry, the ocean nymph refuses to let the girl go that way, for it can only mean bad things.

When it comes to Isolde there is much that wants to kill her. They have yet to know if she possesses immortality and there is a change that she doesn't. She has almost died before, and if she were to die then the kingdom of the ocean will fall alongside her. The only way that she will achieve perfect immortality and a guaranteed one for that matter is to be with Poseidon. Which, with Isolde will be a long road, but a road to somewhere indeed. With worry, Ahmeya takes her to the door and starts to bang on it.

Even the banging on the door as loud as she could do nothing to the girl and to break her out of that trance. The same one that has her in this strange dream like state. Seeing the strongest woman that Ahmeya has ever met look like this is a cause for worry, and it is exactly what she does. When some seconds pass, and he has not yet come to the door, she proceeds to knock even harder this time. How she has not yet broken the door or her fingers for that matter is a miracle.

Once the door does open and Terra stares at her with raised eyebrows and a smirk. "What is the meaning of this? I for one, do enjoy sleeping once in a while, unless you wish to join, I suggest you leave" He speaks but all that Ahmeya does is push past him and walk into the room. Holding firmly on her friend's wrists and drags her inside the room where she forces her to sit on the bed. "What is wrong with her?" She asks him with a hard look on her face. He chuckles. "She's the way that she is" He speaks.

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