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"The ocean is both mischievous and wild"

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"The ocean is both mischievous and wild"


Her dark brown hair wavy curls flow gracefully down her back like waves from the ocean which her soft light green eyes which are so light that in some light they are almost white. She stares out into the distance where the ocean meets the sandy beach. Her eyes stare with longing out there as she craves to be on that beach and swimming in the ocean yet she is far away and nowhere near the beach nor the ocean. "You cannot stay here inside all day, Your Highness, you need fresh air" Her maid, Lily speaks to her as she enters her bedchambers.

The girl turns around and glares at her maid. "Why can I not do what I want?" She asks, knowing perfectly well that her maid cannot answer that question. Isolde rolls her eyes as she walks barefooted to the bookcase. Her light green eyes search over the books and looking at every title that there is. "Your Highness, it is not good for a Princess like yourself to stay inside all day. It is custom to be out there with your family and the court. Shall I prepare for your afternoon gown?" She asks and Isolde who scoffs at her maid.

Hating the rules where she has to change gowns often a day and the corset she wears is not one that she likes and she can barely breathe. It is why she must be outside to get air to her body yet Isolde has never fashioned the outside weather unless it is by the ocean. "It will not be necessary" She speaks but then she has left the bedchambers without another word and without as much as changing her clothes as she still wears her morning gown that wears, stunning her maid in the process.

Isolde walks down the hallways of the castle with guards bowing before her when she walks by them until she has made it to the door that are wide open outside. There her family and the court are enjoying a hot summer day. The warm sum feels uncomfortable on her skin as she has never truly been one for the sun, always finding it too hot for her. Neither has she had any love for the cold weather in winter as snow if just far too cold for her. Her favorite would be autumn and spring as it rains the most on those seasons.

The rain has always made her feel safe and protected and it somehow always brings forth a smile on her face, a smile that not many can see. In fact so many have never seen it at all. Isolde is not known for someone that smiles a lot and she finds that she does not like it. Entering into the hot weather her bare feet touch the warm grassy green ground as she walks over to her older sister who sits with their youngest brother and plays with him on the ground. Isolde sits down but now she continues to look into the distance yet she cannot see the ocean now.

Brining fourth this sadness that lingers inside her, though she does hide it well from anyone. "Isolde, why is it that you are still wearing your morning gown?" Her older sister, Elizabeth asks her with a raised eyebrow as she has looked over at her younger sister and seen how she still wears the gown she had worn for the breakfast. The brown haired girl eyes her older sister before she rolls her eyes. "I did not want to change. I am quite happy wearing this gown and therefore I shall wear it" She frankly says.

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