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(A/N: My Edit)

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(A/N: My Edit)

Author's POV

I wish you would have never exist in my life!
These words were keep replaying in Taehyung's mind after the whole situation.

He was speechless or more like shocked. He, himself didn't know how could he hurt the girl who meant so much for him; who he assumed as the most special person in his life.

Why did he say those harsh words to her? Was it because he was jealous with the fact that Jisoo is slowly developing her feelings towards Yoongi? Or it was because of that he thought Jisoo was trying to break Jennie and his relationship?

It felt like he did something really wrong which he shouldn't had done, yet he could not find out why did he do that.

Jungkook: I will kill you Kim Taehyung!!
Jungkook said while grabbing Taehyung's collar firmly. Namjoon and Jin quickly grabbed his arm trying to stop him from causing a big fight...
Jimin: Jungkook let him go!!! We should not make the situation more worst!!
Jungkook: no I won't!!! How dare he hurt noona!!!
Jin: Jungkook let him go!!!
Jungkook finally released Taehyung from his grip while still giving him death glares...
Jungkook: if you weren't my and noona's best friend then I might have already killed you!!
He said before leaving the rest house angrily.

Lisa walked towards Jennie and Taehyung and said with gritted teeths...
Lisa: you are not worthy to be Jisoo unnie's friends!!
She yelled and left the rest house as well followed by Rosé and the other boys.

Jennie looked at taehyung with tearful eyes while feeling guilty...
Jennie: taehyun-
Taehyung walked away without letting her to say anything.

He felt his whole body getting numb. Not because of the punch that he got from Yoongi a while ago, it was because he realised that he had done something so wrong that now he was fearing to lose her which would be the worst thing to happen on his life. He was keep saying and reminding one thing on his mind...

'I can't lose her!'

On the other hand, Jisoo who was keep running while crying finally stopped when someone grabbed her arm. She was about to punch the stranger but soon she calmed down a bit when she saw it was Yoongi who was holding her arm.

Yoongi was panting heavily from the running. Sweat was dripping from his head. He looked at Jisoo with a concerned face and asked...
Yoongi: are you ok?
Jisoo couldn't help but burst into tears before hugging Yoongi tightly.
Jisoo: why did he do that.....why didn't he believe me?..why always it has to be me?...
Yoongi: shh....it's ok everything will be fine.

Yoongi kept rubbing her back while saying comforting words when finally Jisoo stopped crying. She realised that she was still embracing Yoongi so she immediately broke the hug...
Yoongi: are you feeling better now?
Jisoo nodded her head as a response while looking at the ground.
Yoongi's lips formed into a small smile before he hold on to Jisoo's hand and intertwine it with his...
Yoongi: let's go I will walk you home.
And like that he started to walk with Jisoo.

When they finally reached at Jisoo's House, Yoongi stopped at the front door and gave Jisoo a one last hug.

Jisoo felt her heart beating so fast as she enjoyed the warmth of his embrace. She looked up at him before breaking the hug and saying a small thank you which came out like a whisper from her mouth.

Yoongi's heart broke at the site of Jisoo's red swollen eyes and her pale face. He hated to see her like that. He hated to admit that Jisoo was wasting her tears for a person who never deserved her from the first place.

Jisoo: I will leave now...once again, thank you.
Jisoo said and was about to leave when suddenly Yoongi grabbed her wrist making her stop...
Yoongi: Jisoo..if you don't mind can I ask...do you...love Taehyung?
Yoongi asked in a shaky voice feeling really nervous.
Don't get him wrong he wanted her to be happy, he really did. But he won't also deny the fact that, he was hoping her to say no.

Jisoo was a little surprised from the question but she didn't hesitated to reply...
Jisoo: no I don't.... I won't lie that he was my first love but not now anymore...

A relieved expression can be seen on Yoongi's face but it soon disappeared when Jisoo said the next words with a wide grin...
Jisoo: besides I am already in love with someone else.
Even the thought of this particular person can make her smile so widely.

Yoongi's heart dropped to his stomach when he saw Jisoo's eyes sparkling because of the mention of this unknown person.
He laughed bitterly before saying...
Yoongi: He is very lucky then. Look at you, I am seeing stars on your eyes...he must be really special for you.
Jisoo : sure he is special.
Jisoo said with the smile still on her face. Yoongi first hesitated to ask but his curiosity was killing him so he had to ask..
Yoongi: uhm...may I know that person's name?

Jisoo chuckled before answering..
Jisoo: you know him very well. He looks like a cute kitten. He has a very cute gummy smile that I love the most about him. And also he is very good at basketball.
Yoongi raised his eyebrows in confusion before thinking deeply.
He never met a guy in their school who has a gummy smile or is good in basketball. And about the kitten face...is she in love with a cat or something?

Yoongi facepalmed at his own thought and decided to give up already...
Yoongi: I don't think I know anyone with these qualities. So you should tell me already.
Jisoo again chuckled upon seeing his reaction before leaning to his face and whispering softly in his ear...
Jisoo: It's you my grumpy kitten.
She said and softly kissed his cheek.

Yoongi got froze on his spot as he watched her taking a few steps away from him.
But before she could run towards the door, he quickly grabbed her hand and gently pressed his lips onto hers.

Jisoo's eyes went wide because of the sudden move of Yoongi but soon she also closed her eyes and kissed him back making him to smile through the kiss. She locked her arms around his neck bringing him closer to feel his lips more. The warmth of his mouth sent a current running through her body. Yoongi could not help but to deepen the kiss even more as he got to know that Jisoo has the most amazing lips in this world. At least for him it was amazing.

They finally broke the passionate kiss to catch some air to breath while their forehead was still touching with one another. Looking deep into each other's eyes, Yoongi finally said those words that he was eager to say from the beginning...
Yoongi: I love you.
Jisoo blushed and looked down from him before saying..
Jisoo: I love you too.
Yoongi beamed in happiness and was about to kiss her again when suddenly they heard someone clearing their throat.
Jisoo quickly stepped back from Yoongi and shifted her gaze to the two maknaes which is none other than Lisa and Rosé.

Lisa: oh my!!! Look what we have here!
Rosé: We are so happy for you guys congratulations Unnie and oppa.
Jisoo chuckled nervously and said...
Jisoo: uh.. I think w-we should go inside now. Yoongi..I-I will see you tomorrow. Bye! Let's go girls.
She said and was about to leave with her best friends when suddenly Yoongi grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead earning 'oohhs' from the younger girls.
Yoongi: take care and I love you.
Jisoo looked down shyly and whispered a small 'love you too' before going inside the house along with Lisa and Rosé.

To be continued..
(A/N: Hello everyone! How are you all? I am very sorry if the kissing scene is not satisfying to you guys. I wrote it from google because I am really bad at writing romantic scenes. Lol funny right?
Anyways don't forget to vote and comment..Bye bye!)

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