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(A/N: My edit)

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(A/N: My edit)

Author's POV
Looking at the night sky Taehyung realised, he was missing her so badly. He knew, he did the most worst mistake in his life that now, he could never make it right anymore.

He was fearing to lose her and now when he did he couldn't describe how much painful it felt.

Taehyung looked around to the empty garden which was near the beautiful river. He closed his eyes when a image of her face appeared in front of his closed eyes. A smile automatically curved into his lips as he started to remember the beautiful memories that he shared with her in his life.

He still remember the day when he and Jisoo would spend their time in this place. It was their favourite place. They would always come here after their school to hang out.

Missing her was just his heart's way to remind him that how much he loves her. He still can't believe that he has let her out of his life when she, herself was his life.

Yes he was regretting. He was regretting every single thing that he did to her. But can you blame him that now he was wanting her back in any cost?

Taehyung was so into his thoughts that he didn't realised someone was already sitting beside him. And that someone was the one who he was longing to see; who he was dying to talk with, whose smile he was missing so much.

After a long silence of watching him she finally spoke...
Jisoo: I see, you still remember this place.
Taehyung's eyes snapped open as he heard the most angelic voice.
He looked down at her with a soft smile and replied...
Taehyung: of course I do. How can I forgot about this place. It's my favourite place.
Jisoo: hmm...mine too.
Jisoo said and closed her eyes to feel the fresh air of the garden. Taehyung watched her and started to observe her beauty.

How I wished you were mine..
He thought and let out a deep sigh before saying...

Taehyung: Today.....Jennie broke up with me..
He said with no emotions.
Jisoo finally opened her eyes and looked at him worriedly before holding his hand softly...
Jisoo: yo-you are fine.....right?
Said Jisoo hesitantly. He chuckled and answered...
Taehyung: yes... I am.
He said and looked at her while the smile was still on his face.

Jisoo nodded her head slowly and stayed quiet for a while.

After a long silence Taehyung asked....
Taehyung: chu.....can you ever forgive me?
Jisoo: huh?
Taehyung: can you forgive me for.....for what I did to you?
He said in a creaked voice while his eyes were filling up with tears...
Jisoo: It's not your fault Tae. Maybe you loved her too much that's why you didn't believe me. And also you are my best friend, how can I not forgive you.

Right..only a friend Taehyung! Nothing else

Taehyung thought and smiled bitterly...
Taehyung: don't forgive me every time Sooyaaa...I am afraid that I might hurt you again.
He said and felt his tears springing up behind his eyes but he was determined that he won't allow them to appear. At least not in front of her.

Taehyung: I am sorry..I-I am sorry....for not believing on you when you said that she was already back with her ex.....I am sorry...for saying those hurtful words to you that day...I am sorry for hurting you again and again...I am sorry for being such a stupid friend...I am sorry for not realising that I was already in love with you so badly..I am sorry for even existing in your life....I am sorry for everything.
He said while tears were already rolling down from his eyes.

No matter how much he wanted to stop them, these tears were too much stubborn to listen to him.

Without thinking anything Taehyung hugged Jisoo tightly not wanting to let her go.
Taehyung: I love you Jisooyaa... I love you so damn much.. I am sorry for not realising it earlier... I am so sorry.
He said while crying his heart out.

Jisoo felt her heart broke upon seeing this side of her best friend but what can she do..Her heart already belongs to someone else, and unfortunately it's not him.

Jisoo slightly pushed him by his chest and wiped the tears which was flowing down from his eyes continuously.

Jisoo: I am sorry Tae...you know that I am already in love with Yoongi.. I can't do this to him. I love him too much...more than I did to you.
She said and looked down from him. Taehyung let out a small laugh and said...
Taehyung: I know.. I know you love him...and that I can't replace him anymore. It's my fault though for realising my feelings so lately. I..I hope that my confession won't make anything awkward between us.

Jisoo finally looked up at him and smiled widely.
She nodded his head before saying...
Jisoo: of course! you will always be the best friend of mine Taetae!!
She showed him her beautiful heart shaped smile that made Taehyung's heart to skip a beat.

Taehyung smiled back and wiped his dry tears...
Taehyung: anyways..how did you find out that I am here?
Jisoo: well, I knew that you will be here because you always come here whenever you are sad or angry..
Jisoo said while grinning widely making him to chuckle before patting her head.

Yeah, that's how it is. No matter wherever he will go she will always be the first one to find him. She knows him more than he knew himself.

Jisoo: let's go, everyone is waiting for you. We are going to watch movie tonight at our house.
Taehyung: oh no! I don't want to watch Titanic or Notebook for the thousandth time.
Taehyung groaned making Jisoo to chuckle at his silliness.
Jisoo: ok ok. I will tell the girls to watch something else tonight.
Taehyung: you better or else I will quit watching movies.
He warned while Jisoo just laughed at him when suddenly Jisoo's phone started to ring.

Taehyung saw the caller id and it was Yoongi who was calling her. He smiled bitterly and gestured Jisoo to pick up the call.

Jisoo picked up the call and said...
Jisoo: hello?....yeah I found Taehyung. He is with me now don't worry....yeah we will be there soon..ok then bye.

Taehyung: I guess, Yoongi cares for me more than you now.
Jisoo: haha very funny. He said you to go there quickly or else he will kill the hell out of you. Now let's go if you don't want to be beaten up by a grumpy kitten.
Taehyung laughed and nodded his head before starting to walk beside her.

And like that he finally realised.....

He Lost Her For Nothing

The End

(A/N: Hey Guys! I hope you all enjoyed this story. Maybe some of my readers expected that there would be a Vsoo ending; sorry if I broke your Vsoo heart. Taehyung had hurt Jisoo so many times that's why I decided to put Yoonsoo together in the end. I also putted some similarities in this chapter from the first one because I thought it would make the ending a bit more good. This storyline is maybe a bit simple for all of you but please support it. It's my first story in Wattpad. I am really hoping to gain some votes and comments from you guys. And sorry again for the spelling mistake and grammatical errors. Take care and bye bye!)

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