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 (A/N: This time, it's my own edit! I hope you all will like it besides I am not a pro on editing

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(A/N: This time, it's my own edit! I hope you all will like it besides I am not a pro on editing. And also you all may see some more of my edits in this story 😊😅)

Yoongi's POV
After reading the letter I was running to her house to meet her.

I am so sorry Jisoo yaa. I should have listened to you. I am such a jerk.

When I finally reached at their house I rang the doorbell and the door open revelling Jennie.

Wait wasn't she in New Zealand?

I was breathing really fast from running that's why I couldn't say anything.
Jennie looked at me with a worried expression and asked...
Jennie: oppa? Are you ok? Come inside-
Yoongi: a-ani. I was just here to meet Jisoo.
I said still breathing heavily.
After mentioning Jisoo's name, Jennie smirked at me and leaned her back in the door frame while crossing her arms.

Jennie: well oppa, Unnie is not home yet.
Yoongi: o-oh is it. Umm then tell me where is she?
I asked being excited to see my Jisoo. Jennie chuckled at me and said...
Jennie: Unnie just called me now. She said she is in the grocery shop to buy some foods for us. But I don't know which grocery shop is she in.
Yoongi: oh I see. By the way when did you came from New Zealand?
Jennie: I came here a few hours ago. I wanted to give the girls surprise that's why I didn't tell anyone.
Yoongi: oh. Well then I will go now. Goodbye Jennie.
Jennie: wait oppa! If you have something important to talk with Unnie then why don't you wait inside?
Yoongi: ani it's ok. Maybe some other time. I will go now. Bye.
Jennie: ok bye!
She closed the door before giving me a small smile.

I sighed and looked at the road boringly which was in front of their house. When suddenly something came up on my mind.

What if she is angry with me?
What if she doesn't want to talk with me anymore?
What if she hates me now?

No no no!! I can't lose her!

I let out a small sigh and decided to wait for her here.

Jisoo's POV
I was now in the grocery shop to buy some foods for the girls and me.

Jennie called me a while ago asking me about what am I doing where am I and when will I go back home.. I don't know why she asked me this because that's rare for Jennie to ask questions besides she's not even in Korea.

After finishing the grocery shopping I started to walk home for a good evening walk.
While walking my mind started to think about Yoongi.

I hope he took the medicines and bandages that I gave to him.

When I reached at our house I was about to open the door but before I go inside I saw a familiar man sitting on the stairs which was in front of our door. And the man was sleeping I guess because I heard him snoring. I looked carefully at the man and it was...


I widened my eyes when I recognised that the man was Yoongi. I tapped his shoulder and called him softly...
Jisoo: Yoongi! Yoongi! Wake up! You are sleeping in front of our house!
He groaned and looked up while blinking his eyes slowly. When he saw me looking at him, he quickly stood up and looked at me with a big gummy smile.

Jisoo: why were you sleeping here?
Yoongi: I was waiting for you.
Jisoo: for me? Why?
I asked him confusingly because in the school he was mad at me right?
He looked down and said..
Yoongi: I am sorry Jisoo yaa.
Jisoo: huh?
Yoongi: I should have listen to you. I....I am really sorry.
Jisoo: Yoongi I don't know what are you talking about?
Yoongi: Today I- I finally realised that it wasn't you who broke my watch. It was Suho.
I widened my eyes for the second time and asked...
Jisoo: omo! Suho?! But why did he do that?
Yoongi: he wa-
He hesitated to say and if I am not wrong then I think I noticed him clenching his jaw, but soon he cleared his throat and continued..
Yoongi: he....he said that he was jealous...that...I was so close with you because he likes you.
Jisoo: eh?! He what?!
Yoongi: he likes you.
Yoongi said in a boring yet irritated way while I was just standing there shocked.

Yoongi: but he doesn't deserve you. He is a complete weirdo,stupid, foolish and-
Jisoo: yah Yoongi! You don't have to say so many things against him.
Yoongi: why? Do you also like him?
Jisoo: haha no. I only see him as a classmate nothing else.
Yoongi: thank goodness.
He sighed in relief and muttered something silently that I couldn't understand.

Jisoo: huh? Did you said anything ?
Yoongi: a-ani I was just asking..are you mad at me ?
He asked nervously looking at me with a apologetic look. I smiled at him and said...
Jisoo: nope I am not mad at you. It was just a misunderstanding nothing else.

He smiled back and patted my head softly..
Yoongi: you are really a kind girl Jisoo.
I blushed and looked down shyly and said a small thank you.

He chuckled at me before lifting my chin up making me to look straight at him. He looked deeply in my eyes while I did the same thing to him. His eyes then slowly looked down to my lips and he started to lean closer. I closed my eyes waiting for his next move when I felt a soft pair of lips on my forehead.

I opened my eyes and saw him already looking at me with a big smile plastered on his face.
Yoongi: take care and good night love..
He said before walking away leaving me there dumbfounded.

Did he just called me love!

I buried my face on my palms and screamed not so loudly.
Oh my gosh what just happened!!??
I put my hand on my chest feeling my heart beating so fast.
What was it? Why did called me love? And why did he kissed me-sorry correction why did he kissed my forehead??

To be continued....

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