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Jisoo's POV Jisoo: I love you taehyung ah!He looked down from me as he whispered something that I couldn't hear

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Jisoo's POV
Jisoo: I love you taehyung ah!
He looked down from me as he whispered something that I couldn't hear.
Taehyung: Sooyaaa.... I-I don't have the same feelings for you.. I don't love you..
He said still looking down from me while many tears roll down from my eyes.
My voice cracked when I said...
Jisoo: it's ok taetae. I know that you still can't move on from her..and I hope that my confession won't make anything awkward between our friendship. Right?
I asked him with a big yet fake smile.

He finally looked up at me and smiled widely. He nodded his head before saying...
Taehyung: of course! you will always be the best friend of mine chichu!!
He showed me his boxy smile that made my heart to skip a beat.

Right..only a friend jisoo! Nothing else.

There was an awkward silence between us when I finally decided to go.
Jisoo: taehyung ah! I am sorry but I have to meet with Lisa Rosé and Jennie in a while.

Taehyung seems a bit nervous and confuse (I guess) when I said Jennie's name and I was wondering why but I just shrugged my thoughts.
Taehyung: o-oh ok see you tomorrow. Bye chu!
I started to walk without giving answer to his bye because if I stay there for a few more minutes then I may start to break down in front of him which I don't like at all. I don't want to show my weak side to anyone.

The sky was getting cloudy, the rain will start at anytime. I was still in the park sitting on a bench crying my heart out.

Why did I even expect that he will return my feelings even though I knew, he's not ready for another relationship yet. But it's already 1 year, why can't he still forget about her?
Then I thought may be it is very difficult for him to forgot about his first love. After all he loved her so much.
I should understand him. He is my best friend and I can't lose him because of my stupid feelings. Maybe I have to wait more for him to move on.

I felt my phone ringing so I got it out from my bag. I checked the caller id and saw It was lisa who was calling me. I answered the call and before I could say anything the two maknaes bombard me with lots of questions.
(A/N: Lisa and Rosé kept the phone on loud speaker)

In The Call-
Lisa and Rosé: yaahhhh Unnie!!! What happened!! What did he said!! Are you guys official now!! Did he gave you any ring or anything?!! Did you guys kissed?!did yo-
Jisoo: yahh!! Let me say something first!!You guys are keep asking me questions!!
Rosé : oopss...sorry Unnie..we were just so excited. umm when will you come back home?
Jisoo: I am coming now.
Lisa: what! So early! We thought you were having a date with him!
That kid...
Jisoo: Stop taking nonsense Lisa! And cut the phone.
Lisa: wait! Wait! Do you know where Jennie Unnie is?
Jisoo: ani i don't. Why? she didn't told you guys where is she going?
Rosé: no she didn't said anything to us that's why we called you. Sorry Unnie if we're disturbing your date.
Ughh! Why do they have to say things like this!!
Jisoo: we're not having any date!! And I'm coming home so see you soon!
I cut the phone without giving them time to say anything.
I wiped my dry tears and started to walk.

I was near our house but my legs stopped on my tracks when I saw something that I never expected.

I saw taehyung and Jennie in front of our house holding hands. They were talking about something that I couldn't listen to.

But what made me froze on my spot was when Jennie pecked taehyung's lips before going inside to our house. Taehyung also walked away with a wide grin on his face.

I was left there stunned or should I say broken.

So this was the reason why he rejected me.
I thought he still didn't move on from his first love but guess, I was wrong.

Tears again started to fall down from my eyes.
I felt my heart was stabbed by many daggers.

Am I not worthy enough for him? Am I not worthy for his love? Am I that hard to be loved?

I was so lost in my pains that I didn't realise Lisa getting out of the house. It seems like she was looking for someone in the road but when her eyes landed on me she quickly ran towards me with a worried look on her face.

Lisa: omo! Unnie what are you doing here?! I was looking for you!! Why aren't you coming inside?! And wait..why are you crying?!?

She asked with a shocked and worried look but I was just looking down at my feet while tears were still rolling down from my cheeks.
Lisa: Unnie tell me..
She said and lifted my chin up to make me look at her and when I did, she gasped because of my red swollen eyes.

She quickly took me inside the house and lead me to the leaving room.
I heard another gasp and the person ran towards me with a concerned face.
Rosé: Unnie! What happened to you!! Why are you crying??!!
Lisa: Unnie did he...
Lisa hesitated to say because of my situation.

They waited for me to speak and soon after the long silence I said..
Jisoo: he doesn't loves me...h-he lo-loves Jennie. Th-they love each other.
They gasped again and looked at me with wide eyes.

I couldn't help anymore so I started to cry in front of them and they immediately hugged me.
Jisoo: why? Why it has to be me?
Rosé: shh..Unnie..he doesn't deserve you.
Both of them kept comforting me until I finally stopped crying and broke the hug.

All of a sudden Lisa stood up and said..
Lisa: I have to talk with Jennie Unnie! How could she do that!! She knew that you loved him since such a long time then why did she do that??!!
Lisa said and greeted her teeth while heading towards Jennie's room, but I quickly stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

Jisoo: no Lisa! Please don't say anything to them. They love each other. They are happy with each other and that's enough for me.Maybe I am not worthy to be loved.
Rosé: no Unnie! Don't say that!Everyone loves you. We love you.
Lisa: yes Unnie we are always here for you. Don't hurt yourself because of that jerk. He don't deserves you.
I smiled at them before saying..
Jisoo: thank you guys for comforting me. And promise me you won't say anything to Jennie or taehyung!
I said with my voice cracking slightly.
Jennie didn't know that I was going to propose Taehyung today. I only told Lisa and Rosé about it.

They sighed and said..
Rosé: ok Unnie we won't. But you also have to promise us that you won't cry because of him.
She said in a warning tone.

I chuckled at her while nodding my head.
Jisoo: ok ok promise!
Rosé: that's like my Jisoo Unnie. Now go and change your clothes, we will prepare the dinner.
Jisoo: ok. Umm...where is Jennie?
They looked at me with sad eyes when I mentioned her name.
Lisa: she's having shower...Unnie..don't let yourself to break ok??
I laughed at her and said..
Jisoo: yeah yeah whatever! Aigoo our maknae is growing up now.
Lisa: what do you mean by 'growing up'?! I was always a smart woman!
Lisa gasped dramatically while flipping her hair like a model on the last part.

We all laughed at her but deep inside I was still feeling hurt and betrayed.

Hurt because I got rejected from my long time crush or should I say my first love.
And betrayed because my own best friend is in a relationship with him even through she knows that I loved him from the beginning.

To be continued....

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