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(A/N: Photo credit to the rightful owner)

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(A/N: Photo credit to the rightful owner)

Jisoo's POV
It's almost two weeks of taehyung and Jennie's relationship. Taehyung is always with Jennie but before, he used to be with me.
Don't get me wrong. I am not complaining or jealous because of their relationship. I am just saying that taehyung doesn't hangs out with me anymore. It's just that I am scared that....

What if he breaks our friendship someday? What if he doesn't wants to be friends with me anymore? What if he starts to forget about me?

I guess I can't do anything. Taehyung only sees me as a friend nothing else. And maybe one day he will get a better friend unlike me.

I sighed before sitting on the couch and turning on the TV.
I was watching peacefully when suddenly my phone started to ring.
I answered it without noticing the caller id because I was too busy watching the TV.
In Phone
Jisoo: hello who is it?
I asked still looking at the tv.
Jisoo's Mom: yah kim jisoo did you forget that you have a family!
oh no that's my mom!
Jisoo: no mom I was watching tv so I didn't notice the caller id.
Jisoo's Mom: whatever..how are you and your friends?
Jisoo: we are all good. How about you and dad?
Jisoo's Mom: we are also fine. Jisooya I have a favour for you.
I raised my eyebrows.
Favour? That's rare.
Jisoo: hmm what is it?
Jisoo's Mom: well you see, my best friend's son is going to study on your school from tomorrow and he is a very quite and introvert person.
Jisoo: why are you telling me all this?
Jisoo's Mom: I want you to be friends with him and make him feel comfortable at the school . Will you do that for me?
Jisoo: hmm.. ok I will try.
I said in a calming tone. Well I like making friends so why not.
Jisoo's Mom: thank you so much Sooyaaa. You are such an obedient kid. And by the way his name is Min Yoongi ok?
Jisoo: ok I got it.
Mom: okay then talk to you later I have to go now. Bye love you!
Jisoo: ok bye love you too!

When I finally ended the call I heard a gasp from my back. I turned around only to see lisa standing there with a shocked expression.
I raised my eyebrows and asked her..

Jisoo: what made you so shocked?
Lisa: Unnie do you have a boyfriend?!!!
I choked on the air before saying or should I say yelling..
Jisoo: what!!! No I don't!!!
She squinted her eyes at me and asked...
Lisa: then who were you saying I love you to?
Jisoo: aish that was my mom you silly!

She sighed in relief and chuckled nervously....
Lisa: I thought you have one Unnie. Anyways what did your mom said to you ?
Jisoo: she said her best friend's son is going to study at our school so I have to take care of him.
Lisa: oh I see. That's great we're going to have a new friend! Is he handsome?
Jisoo: how would I know my mom just told me his name. Min Yoongi.
Lisa: Yoongi.. I heard this name before. Omo isn't he the Mins Company's owner's son!!
Jisoo: maybe I don't know. But mom told me that he's a very quite and introvert person.
Lisa: oh wow we will get another rich friend.
She said while smirking at me.
Jisoo: shut up!
My phone suddenly beeped and I saw, It was my mom who texted me.

Sooyaaa! I forgot to say, he doesn't know where is your school. He is new in Seoul and he lives there alone. So can you pick him up from his house tomorrow? Here is his address *****

Okay mom, I will.

I sighed before putting my phone back on the table.
Guess, tomorrow I am going to meet a new friend.

Taehyung's POV
I was busy on my phone chatting with Jennie when suddenly Namjoon hyung came in my room out of no where.
Namjoon : hey what's up?
Namjoon hyung asked with a cheerful voice.
Taehyung: nothing I was just chatting with Jennie.
I said still looking at my phone. I heard him sighing that made me to look at him confusingly.

Taehyung: what happened? Are you in a bad mood today?
Namjoon : nothing it's just like....
He paused before sitting beside me and continued sighing.
Namjoon : taehyung ah.. don't get me wrong but it feels like...you changed.
I raised my eyebrows and asked being confused..

Taehyung: huh what do you mean?
Namjoon : what I mean is, you are not like the old taehyung anymore..you don't have time for us these day...you don't hang out with us.. you are always in your room or outside..You are always busy on your phone whenever we are talking to you.
Taehyung: hyung, You know that I am dating Jennie now and I don't want to have another heart break that's why I'm trying my best to keep our relationship good. I don't want to lose her you know.
Namjoon : I know, I know... but what I mean is don't you think,you should also spend some time with us too.
He said and patted my back. I smiled at him before saying...

Taehyung: I am sorry hyung if I made you guys upset.
Namjoon : ani you didn't, just remember that you have many important people in your life don't let them go easily.
Taehyung: I will. So let's hang out tomorrow. I promise I won't be busy on my phone anymore whenever I am with you guys.
He chuckled at me showing me his dimples.
Namjoon : everyone is busy tomorrow including me.But I guess you should hang out with Jisoo instead after all she is also your best friend.
I nodded happily and said..
Taehyung: ok thank you for your advice hyung.
I made a heart with my finger and he just laughed at me before leaving my room.

Tomorrow is going to be fun.

It has been two weeks of my relationship with Jennie. I was so into our relationship that I didn't notice me and jisoo didn't hang out since these two weeks. Usually we would always go to our favourite spot or eat at her favourite chicken restaurant.

I don't know why but I have these weird feelings that maybe someday I will lose her which I would hate to. I can't lose her. She has a important role in my life.

She is special for me.

To be continued.....

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