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Taehyung's POVI was standing outside of our school gate waiting for jichu

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Taehyung's POV
I was standing outside of our school gate waiting for jichu. I hope she won't get mad at me. After what I did to her I was feeling so guilty. I hope she will not break our friendship.

Honestly, I don't like Jisoo. I just like her as my best friend. I like Jennie. She is totally my type. I always had a crush on her since freshman year. She is pretty, smart, intelligent, kind. Everything that I want in a girl. I never had any kind of feelings for Jisoo. I admit that many boys of our university drool over her which I clearly don't like, but still she is just my best friend.

I was busy in my thoughts when suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. I tuned around to see Jennie standing there while smiling widely. I smiled back at her before holding her hand and giving it a small kiss.
Taehyung: why didn't you go home?
Jennie: I was in the library but why are you still here? Forget it since you are also here then let's go together.
She said while showing me her gummy smile and grabbing my hand intertwining it.
I smiled and nodded before starting to walk with her.

Jisoo's POV
Wow I never thought that being a good student would be such a great punishment for me. And I am saying it because our class teacher told me to check some math papers because she is busy with other works. I couldn't say no to her because she is one of my favourite teacher and besides I didn't want to make a bad impression.

So after quickly finishing my work, I rushed towards our school gate. I hope that I didn't made taehyung wait for me too much.

When I finally reached at the gate I found no one there. Am I too much late? Did he left already ? Or is he still not here yet?

I checked my watch and saw I was only 10 minutes late. He always waits for me even though when I am late.

Should I call him?

I tried to call him but he didn't answer it. Ugh where the hell is he?!
I sighed frustratedly and decided to wait for him.

Time Skipped
It's already 1 hour and I am still here waiting for that idiot. He is not even picking up my calls.

I saw a old age man who was the watchman of our school coming to my direction. I bowed at him and smiled. He smiled back before saying..

The Old Man: miss, what are you doing here?
the school is closed already.
Jisoo: I am waiting for my friend ahjussi. Don't worry I will get out of here soon.
The Old Man: I see but the weather is not good today. I guess it will be start raining soon.You should go home now.
Jisoo: ne, I will.
I bowed at him again and he left before giving me a pity smile.

It's more than an hour now and I am still here waiting outside of the gate. I swear my legs are getting numb now because of standing here for so long.

Suddenly I felt something wet on my head.
Oh no it's raining. And the worst part is I forgot to bring my umbrella today!

Ugh forget it.

I started to run while covering my head even though I know I was already wet. I am sure I am getting a fever tonight.

Great! My day couldn't be more worse?!

When I finally reached at our dorm, I quickly got inside and started to pant heavily because of running. My legs hurts so badly.
I was shivering because of the coldness.

Lisa and Rosé were in the living room watching tv but when they noticed I was standing in front of the main door, they gasped and rushed towards me.
Lisa: oh my goodness Unnie!! What happened to you? How did you get wet in the rain?

Rosé quickly run towards her room and got a towel for me. They made me to sit on the couch while I was still shivering.
Lisa: didn't you said that you are going to hangout with Taehyung after classes ??
Jisoo: I-achooo!!! He--achooo!!
I couldn't finish my sentence because of my sneezing. They looked at me worriedly.
Rosé quickly made a hot chocolate for me that made me feel a little bit better.

Soon we heard footsteps coming from upstairs. And it was Jennie.
Jennie: omo Unnie what happened to you?!?
She said with worry written on her face.
Jisoo: I wa-achooo!!
Lisa: Unnie you should change first or you will get more sick.
I nodded and walked to my room, still sneezing.

After having a warm shower my three best friends took care of me while I was sitting in the coach with a blanket covering my body.

All of a sudden, the three annoying kids sat on to the coach surrounding me.
Okay now I'm feeling weird because they are giving me suspicious looks.
Jisoo: what? Why are you guys staring at me like this??-achooo!!
Jennie: care to tell us Unnie why did you come home like that??
I sighed before telling them the whole story.

Lisa: yahh Jennie unnie why did your boyfriend do that to our Unnie?!? Gosh!Because of him Jisoo unnie got a cold now!!
Jennie: I am so sorry Unnie. We walked home together after classes maybe he forgot about your meeting. I am apologising to you for his foolishness.
Jennie said with a sincere and apologetic look. I just smiled at her bitterly...
Jisoo: ani Jennie ya..*sniff* it's not your fault that he forgot*sniff* about our meeting.

I groaned because of my sniffing. They again gave me a pity and concerned look.

Lisa: do you want to stay at home tomorrow?We can tell your class teacher that you are sick.
Rosé: yes Lisa is right. You should have enough rest Unnie.
Jisoo: aniyo I am fine. I have a important class tomorrow so I can't stay at ho-a-achooo!!
Jennie: but-
Jisoo: yahh! I am really okay. Stop worrying about me...
I fake yawned pretending to be sleepy and said..
Jisoo: I am sleepy guys so I am going to sleep now. Good night pretty ladies.
Rosé: good night Unnie. Take care.
Lisa and Jennie: good night!

I closed my bedroom door and let my body to slump on the ground while a tear escaped from my eye.

He forgot. He never forgets about our meeting, then what happened today.
Of course he was with his girlfriend that he didn't remember about it.

I guess Now I have to wait for the day when he will fully forget me. After all I am just a friend.

To be continued.....

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