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Jisoo's POV I was waiting for Jennie who told me to accompany her to the mall because she wanted to buy dresses for her

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Jisoo's POV
I was waiting for Jennie who told me to accompany her to the mall because she wanted to buy dresses for her. I swear if this girl keeps buying dresses like that, then one day her closet will explode.

But why isn't she here yet? It's already twenty minutes that I am waiting here outside the school.
Does she and her boyfriend have this habit to make everyone wait?
And What I meant by boyfriend is Taehyung ok. Sorry not sorry.

She told me that she will be here in five minutes after meeting with Irene but now you see, this girl is always late whenever we're going somewhere.

I sighed for the hundredth time and decided to call Jennie.
After few rings she picked up the call....
In the call
Jennie: hello?
Jisoo: yah kim Jennie!! Where are you?!Do you know how long I have been waiting for you!!
Jennie: oops. Sorry Unnie I was so lost talking with Irene unnie that I forgot about you. I am really sorry.
Jisoo: yeah yeah it's ok. Anyways when are you coming here?
Jennie: uh Unnie I am sorry but can we go to the mall on another day? Irene unnie is insisting me to go to her house for a while.
Jisoo: hmm okay it was your idea of shopping anyways.
Jennie: ok Unnie I will meet you at home then bye!
Jisoo: ok bye!
End of the call

I declined the call and decided to go back to my house when suddenly someone called my name making me stop and look at the person's direction.

My heart started to beat faster when I saw who was it...

Yoongi: jisoo? Why are you still here? Didn't you told me that you are going to the mall with Jennie?
Jisoo: oh yeah I was waiting for her but she told me that she is going to Irene's house for now.
Yoongi: huh and you was waiting for her that long? why didn't she tell you this earlier?
Yoongi asked with a frown. His voice seems worried and caring at the same time.

God! Tell him to stop doing that or else my heart might burst out from my chest!!

Jisoo: that was a sudden plan you know besides I was going to home anyways.
Yoongi: why? I mean I already asked you before the class but you told me that you were going to hang out with Jennie after school today, so since you don't have any plans anymore then why not hang out with me instead?
He asked in excitement with a wide grin plastered on his face.
Jisoo: with you?
Yoongi: yes, will you my lady?
A tint of blush appeared on my cheeks when he called me like this.

I looked away from him and cleared my throat before saying...
Jisoo: ok. Where do you want to go?
I asked still not looking at him. He grabbed my wrist, intertwining our hands and started walking while smiling widely.

Yoongi: I know a really good chicken restaurant near the school so let's go over there.
Jisoo: huh chicken restaurant ?
Yoongi: yup you like chicken. right?
Jisoo: yeah but how did you know that?
Yoongi: Jin hyung always says you like chicken so I was guessing to take you there.
I didn't said anything but just nodded my head and continued walking with him.

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