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(A/N: Photo credit to the rightful owner)

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(A/N: Photo credit to the rightful owner)

Taehyung's POV
The next day
I was now in the school sitting on my bench waiting for someone eagerly. And that someone is my Jichu.
After our match yesterday, jisoo didn't show up to me.
Usually she would console me or cheer me up if something bad happens with me.
But what happened yesterday? Why didn't she came to me? Where was she? Was she with Yoongi?

Ugh! That Yoongi guy is really pissing me off. Yesterday I saw him glancing at Jisoo the whole time. That's why I pushed him. I don't like it at all when any other boy tries to hit on my Sooyaaa. Especially him.

I was looking at the door to see her when suddenly I saw the person I was thinking about a while ago coming from the door smiling widely.

And it's not Jisoo, it's Min Yoongi.

Why the hell is he smiling like a fool? Gross! Even his smile pisses the hell out of me!!

I didn't knew that I was looking at him for so long when suddenly his eyes landed on me. I quickly averted my eyes from him. That's when I saw Jisoo coming from the door. I waved my hand at her trying to get her attention but instead I got the other students attention not hers. She wasn't even looking at my direction. She was looking for someone I guess.
Wait why is she smiling while going to her seat and the worst is she was....


Why the hell is she blushing at Yoongi!!

The next thing that Yoongi did was enough to make me get up from my seat.

He winked at her!!!!! Like seriously!!!

I rush towards their seat getting Jisoo and Yoongi's attention. Jisoo looked at me with her beautiful smile that always makes my heart to beat faster, while Yoongi as usual was giving me death glares.

Jisoo: hi tae. I didn't saw you coming to the class.
Because you were too much busy to even look at me.
Taehyung: I was already here.
Jisoo: oh do you need anything?
Taehyung: yup. Let's go to your favourite chicken restaurant after school.

I asked being excited. Jisoo looked at Yoongi who was busy giving me glares then she said..
Jisoo: I am sorry tae. I already have plans with Jennie today.
She smiled apologetically. I just smiled back at her and said...
Taehyung: it's ok. Maybe next time?
Jisoo: yeah sure.
Taehyung: I-
I was about to continue my conversation with her when this annoying man interrupted us by clearing his throat. I looked at him with an annoyed expression and asked...
Taehyung: do you have anything to say or you want a cough medicine?
Yoongi: I should be the one to ask you this question.
Taehyung: I don't have any sore throat or anything.
Yoongi: no I mean the first one. If you don't have anything else to say then you can go back to your seat. The teacher might come in any time.
I took a deep breath and gave him my one last glare before walking back to my seat.

I swear if he wasn't so close with my friends, then I would have punched him real hard on his face.

After sometimes our class teacher came to the class getting all of our attention.

Time Skipped
Lunch Time
Finally it's lunch time after such a long and boring class. I quickly got up from my seat and rush towards Jisoo's seat. She was busy packing her books that's why she didn't notice me I guess, so I knocked on her table. She finally looked up and I said...
Taehyung: let's go it's lunch time.
Jisoo: yeah wait.
She said and looked at Yoongi who's head was placed on the table.

Ugh! I am sure he was sleeping the whole time in the class.

She tapped his shoulder to wake him up but he just groaned being the lazy man he is.
Jisoo: Yoongi it's already lunch time let's go.

I hate the fact that she is waking him up like a caring girlfriend.

Wait what!!! No no no no!!!!!
She is not his girlfriend!!!!! Kim Taehyung stop thinking rubbish!!!!

Yoongi: hmmm..
He looked up while rubbing his eyes and smiled at her but when his gaze shifted at me his expression also changed into an irritated and annoyed one like mine.

Jisoo: let's go guys.

We started to walk to the cafeteria when suddenly jisoo said...
Jisoo: oh taehyung, Jennie is back to Korea.
Taehyung: oh really she didn't called me. When did she come here?
Jisoo: yesterday. She said she was going to give us surprise. Don't tell her that I already told you about this or else she will kill me.
I chuckled and nodded my head before continuing my way to the cafeteria.

When we reached at the cafeteria I saw Jennie talking with our friends already. We walked towards them and they all stopped talking. Jennie looked at me and got up from her seat before giving me a small hug...

Jennie: how are you?
I hugged her back tightly trying to make someone jealous which clearly didn't happen, because I saw the person talking and laughing with that annoying guy.

Taehyung: I am good. What about you?
Jennie: not that much. I missed you.
Jimin: yah!! You two stop being ao lovey dovey in front of everyone. It makes me want to vomit.
Jimin said making all of us laugh and we finally broke the hug before sitting down on our seats.
I sat beside Jennie which I didn't really like I don't know why? Because I was feeling uncomfortable I guess?
I wanted to sit beside her. I feel so relaxed whenever I am near her.

Don't get me wrong but my inner self always makes me want to be glued with her.
It feels like all the time that I spent with her was the most beautiful thing in my life.
She is a beautiful person with a beautiful heart. Her eyes are what I want to look at for the whole day. And in her smile I see something more beautiful then the stars.

I wanna be the reason behind her smile because surely she is the reason behind mine. Yes nobody can make me laugh better than her. Nobody can make me feel happy better than her.
She knows me, more than I know about myself. I don't know why I don't like the idea to share her with any other man.
Is it because she is my best friend? Or she is something more to me that I can't figure out?

Ugh!! I am really confused right now!!

What is she for me?

To be continued....

(A/N: hey guys!! How are you all doing? I am really sorry if this chapter is too much boring. And I hope you all already know who Taehyung was talking about a while ago😏
You see he is too much confused with his own feelings. But don't worry he will realise it
Till then keep voting and commenting on my story!! See you soon!!)

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