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Jisoo's POVI was writing on the paper when suddenly my phone ringed

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Jisoo's POV
I was writing on the paper when suddenly my phone ringed..
And it was....Lisa

In the call
Lisa: Unnie-yahh where are you? We are waiting for you outside.

Aish! That kid forgot already!

Jisoo: didn't I told you at the lunch time Lisa-shi, that I have some school works to do.
Lisa: oh hehe I forgot..uhm well Unnie can you do me a favour?
Jisoo: hmm what is it?
I said still doing my work.
Lisa: can you land me the horror book that you borrowed from the library today? I promise I won't take much time to finish it.
Jisoo: ok but promise me that you won't do any stupid thing with the book.
Lisa: aish Unnie why would I do any stupid thing with the book!
Jisoo: because last time when I let you borrow my comic book you lost it, and now I can't find it anywhere.
I said making the maknae groan.
Lisa: ugh! ok Unnie I won't do any 'stupid' thing with your book. Now please can you come and give me the book?
Lisa said while sarcastically saying the word 'stupid' making me to chuckle at her.
Jisoo: ok ok I am coming wait there.
End of the call

I took the book from my bag and stood up before rushing to the school gate, not wanting to make them wait for me any longer.

When I reached there I saw the two maknaes waiting outside of the gate while talking with each other. I walked towards them getting their attention.
Lisa: oh Unnie you are finally here!
Jisoo: here is the book.
I said while handing her the book.
Jisoo: remember not to--
Lisa cut me off and said...
Lisa: ugh ! Unnie I already told you, I won't lost the book this time.
Jisoo: hmm that's good to hear.
Rosé: Unnie when will you come home?
Jisoo: uhm I am not sure...maybe after sometimes.. I still have some worksheets to do.
Lisa: oh ok then we will go now.
Rosé: ok take care Unnie bye bye!!
Jisoo: bye !
And like that they left the school waving at me.
I sighed before walking back to the classroom.

There is no one in the school except for the boys who are probably practicing at the basketball area, and some of the teachers who are still working on their office.
I guess this is gonna be a busy day for me.

Time Skipped
Jisoo: huhhhh!! Finally I am done!
I said while stretching my arms.
Unknown: oh Jisoo you are still here I thought you forgot about the school work and already left.
I got starlet when I heard someone's voice but soon calmed down when I saw it was our class teacher Mrs. Kim.
Mrs. Kim: oh did I scare you?
Jisoo: ani. I was just starlet. I was going to come in your office Mrs. Kim.

I said and gave her the paperworks.
Mrs. Kim: oh you finished it already. Thank you so much for your help jisoo ya...You are such a kind girl.
She said while smiling at me making me to smile back at her.
Jisoo: thank you Mrs. Kim.
Mrs. Kim: you should go home now it's getting late.
Jisoo: yes I will.
I bowed at her and she left the class. I walked towards my seat but then something caught my eyes.

It was a broken wrist watch.
I took it on my hand and looked at it carefully.
It's expensive and it seems like it's a man's watch.
But why is it broken? And what is it doing on my seat? I didn't saw it earlier when I was writing here.

I was so lost looking at the watch that I didn't noticed footsteps coming from outside.

Jin: Yoongi hurry up or we won't be able to eat and when will taehyung come back from the washro-Jisoo? What are you still doing here?

I turned around and saw the boys coming back to the class from their practice.

I smiled at my boy best friends and said...
Jisoo: oh I was just about to go-
I was cut off from completing my sentence when suddenly someone snatched the watch from my hand.
And the person was.....


But what made me more shocked was when I saw tears in his eyes. He was looking at the watch for a quite time but then finally looked up at me with anger and rage.
Yoongi: how dare you!
His voice creaked and words came like whispers from his mouth.
I looked at him confusingly.
Jisoo: huh?
Yoongi : how dare you bitch!!!!
This time he shouted at me making me flinch.

Di-Did he just called me bitch?
I looked at him in disbelief.

Jungkook : what the hell hyung!!Why are you calling noona like that!!!
Yoongi: you broke my watch!!!!

He shouted again making the whole class dead silent. Everyone in the class were looking at us.
But I was just standing there froze.
I wasn't able to understand what was happening?

Jisoo: I-I didn't-
Tears started to fall down from my eyes when he again shouted at me.
Jimin : yahhh!!! You are crossing your limits Min Yoongi!! Don't shout at Jisoo like this without any reasons!!
Jimin shouted at him with anger.
Yoongi: oh really I am crossing the limits?! She crossed her limits!!! She broke my favourite watch which my grandmother gifted me!!!
Jisoo: I-I didn't broke it-
Yoongi: then why was it on your hand!!
Jisoo: I-I-
I was again cut off by a familiar voice.

Taehyung: what's happening here?
Taehyung asked in confusion but when he saw me standing there crying he immediately rushed towards me.
Taehyung: yah what happened to you? Why are you crying??

I didn't said anything but just sobbed quietly. Taehyung looked at everyone asking for answer and soon his eyes landed on Yoongi who was still looking at me with anger.

Taehyung : yah Yoongi!! Why are you looking at her like this?! What did you do to her?!
Taehyung shouted at Yoongi with an angry expression.
Yoongi: it's none of your business!!!

Taehyung gritted his teeth and gave Yoongi an angry glare as he raised his clenched fist ready to punch him, but I stopped him by grabbing his arm.
Jisoo: t-taehyung! n-no please.
He's eyes soften when he saw my state.
He took a deep breath before asking again...
Taehyung: Yoongi..what did you do to her?
Yoongi scoffed and looked at me...
Yoongi: tell her to get out from my sight or I will do something really bad that no one would like to see!!
Jisoo: Yoongi I--
Yoongi: I SAID GET OUT!!!!
He again shouted at me making me to flinch for the second time. I didn't say anything and just took my bag before walking outside of the class.

I really didn't broke your watch Yoongi..Please believe me..

To be continued......

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