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Yoongi's POV After coming out of the basketball ground I don't know why my heart was beating so fast

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Yoongi's POV
After coming out of the basketball ground I don't know why my heart was beating so fast.

Ok I do have a crush on her but still! I have to stop myself from liking her further.

But what can I do? Whenever she touches me or smiles at me, my whole world would stop. Her beautiful eyes, her heart shaped lips and her goddess looking face everything is so beautiful and perfect about her.

And I don't at all like it, if any other man tries to hit on her. Especially that Kim Taehyung. I don't like this guy even an ounce, and after today my hate for him is on another level now.

He pushed me purposely when I was about to snatch the ball from him. He even dared to glare at me during the whole day.

My thoughts got cut off when I heard some guys talking from a distance.
I didn't want to pay attention on them but what made me curious about their conversation was when one of them mentioned my name.
I took a few steps towards them and hide myself behind the wall that was a little bit far from them so that they won't be able to see me. I leaned closer to listen to their conversation and heard...

Guy 1: damn that Yoongi guy was so good in the game today!
Guy 2: yeah he is pretty good at basketball I must say.
Guy 3: oh please Chanyeol...he was just showing off nothing else.
Guy 1: Suho just admit it that you are jealous of him.
Suho: huh! You are talking nonsense Sehun!Why would I be jealous of that stupid boy?

That Suho guy is really pissing me off. I am in verge to lose my control but before I could, I heard something from them that made me to froze on my spot....
Chanyeol: oh then tell us why did you broke his watch if you are not jealous of him?
The guy Suho scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Suho: because that fool was being too much close with my Jisoo that's why I had to do it. Nobody can have my Jisoo, she's only mine.
Sehun: oh please. First of all Jisoo is not yours yet and second of all Taehyung is much more closer to Jisoo than any other boy, so why didn't you do anything to him?
Suho: first of all Jisoo is not mine yet but she will be soon and second of all maybe you guys didn't heard that Taehyung and Jennie are officially dating now.
Chanyeol: what they are dating! but didn't Kai said that Jennie and he-
Before he could finish his sentence I stomped towards that Suho guy and punched him with my full strength making him to fall down on the ground.

My whole system was boiling like fire. I was in rage because of this stupid guy. I didn't care about the fact that he called me a fool, but when I heard that it was him who broke my watch on purpose, I swear I was fuming in anger.
He made me even more angrier when he said that Jisoo was his.

How dare he to say that!!

He's two friends helped him to stand him up and the guy named Sehun yelled at me.
Sehun: what the hell dude!! Why did you punched him?!
Yoongi: why did I punched him!! Because of his foolishness!! How dare you to do that to me and jisoo!!
Suho laughed like an arrogant and stood in front of me with an evil smirk...
Suho: she is only mine!! Stay away from her!!!

I grabbed him by his collar and yelled with anger completely visible on my face....
Yoongi: You don't deserve a gold like her!!!! So stay away from her!! And don't ever think to do any stupid thing with her if you don't want to die!!!

He looked at me with an angry yet terrified look and his friends quickly got him out of my hand.

Chanyeol: Yoongi forgive him. We promise we won't bother you or Jisoo anymore.
Yoongi: just get out of here!!
I shouted and they quickly ran out from my sight being scared.

I messed my hair frustratedly feeling so guilty about what I did to jisoo in these days.

She didn't broke the watch yet I was always blaming her. I didn't even listen to her when she kept saying that she didn't broke it.

I quickly rushed towards my locker to take my bag and to find her, but when I opened the locker I saw a letter inside it.

I thought it's from the school girls who keeps giving me these kind of letters everyday but what made me to stop from throwing it was when I saw a medical bag and a small black box beside it.
I opened the black box and found a watch.

It's my favourite watch that I got from my grandma! But wait wasn't it broken? Who repaired it?

I decided to open the bag and when I did I saw some medicines and bandages on it. There was also an energy drink beside it.
I got curious so I started to read the letter and the letter was from an unexpected person who I was dying to see...

In the letter

Hey Yoongi!
Don't get angry at me and don't throw away the letter ok. I wrote this letter because whenever I try to talk with you, you always ignore me or tell me to get out. But please believe me I really didn't broke your watch. I found it broken on my seat that day and you thought that I broke it.
That watch must be very precious to you so that's why I decided to repaired it.

You must be wondering that how did I got the broken watch. Well that was really easy because I told Hoseok oppa to help me. He sneakily got it from your bag when you were having lunch at the cafeteria yesterday. Don't be mad at him, it was me who told him to do that. And please take the medicines that I got for you. I am afraid that you are having a fever. And put the bandages on your wound ok? Or else it will get worse.

You must be tired after the game that's why I bought the energy drink for you. Please don't throw these things. And I hope you will forgive me soon. Congratulations for the game!! You did really good today!!

Kim Jisoo...

A smile automatically crept on my face when I read the letter.

She is indeed an angel who cares for everyone. She even asked me for forgiveness even though it wasn't her fault in the first place. Her kind and charming personality can make anyone to be in love with her.

I am feeling so guilty and sorry for what I did to her. I was being so rude at her these days yet she didn't stopped showing her kindness.
I must see her now. I want to apologise to her. I want to meet her.

I am dying to see you Jisoo shi...
You are driving me crazy.
I don't think that I have a crush on you anymore because I think that..

I am in love with you Kim Jisoo!!!

To be continued.....

(A/N: please don't hate Suho or any other person who have negative roles in this story. I just putted Suho in this character because I thought it would be nice to put him in this role. I don't hate any of the EXO members. I like all of them. So please don't be mad at me ok. And I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter. Make sure to always vote and comment on my story. Bye!)

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