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(A/N: Photo credit to the rightful owner)

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(A/N: Photo credit to the rightful owner)

Jisoo's POV
Today is the day of the basketball tournament. Me and the girls were already sitting on our seats waiting for the game to start.

Lisa: Unnie i am so excited!
Lisa said in a happy tone. Me and Rosé looked at her in confusion.
Jisoo: but you don't like basketball game right..then what are you excited for?
Lisa: oh you don't know that the boys are in separate teams.
I widened my eyes in shock and looked at her in disbelief.
Jisoo: what?!
Lisa: yeah. Yoongi , Namjoon oppa and Jungkook is in one team and Taehyung, Hoseok oppa ,Jin oppa and Jimin is in another team.
Rosé: woah. That will be fun to watch then.
Lisa: yup. Unnie whom are you going to support?
Lisa asked excitedly but I was thinking about something.
It feels like something bad is going to happen.

Rosé: Unnie!
Jisoo: h-huh?
Rosé: Lisa is asking something.
Jisoo: o-oh I don't know.
Lisa : hmm... I understand you Unnie they all are our friends that's why it's hard to choose one of the team you know.
Rosé: yeah...oh the players are coming!
We all shifted our gazes to the ground and saw the players coming from the changing room.

I saw taehyung looking for someone in the audience seat, and when his eyes landed on me a big smile appeared on his face.
He waved his hand at me getting some of the students attention.
I waved back embarrassingly that made my friends to chuckle at me.
Lisa: Unnie you are so cute!
Lisa said and pinched my cheeks. I slapped her hand lightly and said..
Jisoo: don't do that! It hurts!
Lisa: hehe ok ok I won't.

I shifted my gaze again at the ground looking for a particular person, and when I finally found him I saw him looking at me already. I smiled widely at him and waved a little but he immediately turned around from looking at me.

I pouted slightly when he didn't turn around towards me anymore.

Aish that grumpy kitten didn't stop ignoring me!!
Yes I gave him this nickname. Grumpy Kitten. Because he is always grumpy whenever I try to talk with him and sometimes he looks like a kitten because of it.
Rosé: look the game is going to start.
I looked at the ground and saw the game already started making everyone to cheer for their favourite team.

The match was going well. Both of the team were having the same score. But suddenly something happened that none of us expected.

Yoongi tripped on his tracks when he was about to snatch the ball from taehyung. He fall on the ground while groaning.
Everyone gasped because of the sudden accident. The game stopped immediately. I was about to go to Yoongi but Lisa stopped me...
Lisa: Unnie, Where are you going?
Jisoo: I have to go to Yoongi!
Lisa: Don't worry Namjoon oppa and Jungkook will take care of him.
Jisoo: but he-
Rosé: Unnie..I guess he's fine don't worry. Look, it seems like he will continue the game. So stop worrying about him.
I sighed and nodded before sitting back at my seat.

But wait he didn't tripped. Is it only me who saw that Taehyung pushed Yoongi purposely? I am definitely sure because I saw it with my own eyes. But why did he do that?

The game again started making everyone cheer for them again. I noticed that Yoongi was playing more confidently than before. And whenever he was going to snatch the ball from Taehyung he would glare at him.

Jisoo: Fighting Yoongi!!!!!
I shouted in joy making some of the people's head to shot towards me.
Oops!did I said it too loudly ?
Rosé: woah unnie! I thought you was going to support Taehyung.
The two maknaes stared at me confusingly.
I cleared my throat before saying...
Jisoo: *ehem* I just did it to make him feel better.
They nodded their head and continued to focus on the match.

After the game
Finally the game finished and guess what? Yoongi's team won the match.

Everyone was quite shocked because they thought that Taehyung's team will win after all he is the best basketball player of our school.
I saw taehyung walking out of the ground angrily so I decided to go to him because I thought he might be upset for not winning on the game. But I stopped when I saw Jimin and Jungkook following him.

Me and the two girls decided to congratulate the boys so we walked towards them.
Lisa: congratulations guys!
Namjoon: thank you.
Rose: You all were so good!
They smiled happily and started to chat with each other but then my eyes landed on Yoongi and I noticed a small cut beside his lower lip. I walked towards him and touched his wound causing him to wince in pain.

My expression change into a worried one and I asked..
Jisoo: does it hurts too much?
He didn't said anything but instead he's cheeks were getting red like a tomato. I panicked and put my hand on his forehead checking he's temperature.
Jisoo: omo! Do you have a fever? Why are your cheeks so red?
He still didn't said anything but moved my hand from his forehead.
Yoongi: No need to care for me!
He said before leaving the ground.

I sighed and turn around to my friends who were looking at me with a sly smirk on their face.
I asked being confused..
Jisoo: what? What's with the creepy smirk?
Jin: looks like we're going to have a new couple in our group.
Jisoo: huh couple?
Hoseok: yup. You and Yoongi look so perfect with each other.
I widened my eyes and looked at them with a shocked face..
Jisoo: what the hell you are talking about!!! We're not couple!!!
Lisa: why Unnie? You was so worried when Yoongi oppa got injured during the game.
Lisa said still smirking like a creepy doll.

She was reminding of that scary doll on that horror movie...uhm what was it's name?? Oh yeah Annabelle!

Jisoo: aish! I was just worried about him nothing else!!
Rosé: yeah yeah if you say so.
I rolled my eyes at them and said..
Jisoo: ugh you guys are so annoying!!! I am leaving bye!!!
I left the place angrily and heard them laughing at me.
I sighed before deciding to go to the medical shop.

To be continued.....

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