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Taehyung's POVI decided to go to jisoo who was still in the kitchen because of our friends ultimate teasing

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Taehyung's POV
I decided to go to jisoo who was still in the kitchen because of our friends ultimate teasing. Besides I am not liking the idea either to be in the same room as Yoongi after what he did yesterday.

I walked to the kitchen and saw her cutting the fruits carefully. I guess she didn't noticed me coming here because she was really busy doing her work.

She looks like a perfect wife.

I smiled at my own thought and decided to hold her hair because she was struggling to tuck it into the back of her ear.

I walked towards her and softly hold her hair making her flinch in surprise..
Jisoo: taehyung-ah w-what a-are you doing?
She asked in a panicked tone making me to chuckle at her cuteness...
Taehyung: shhh....you can continue what you are doing. I am just helping you.
Jisoo: bu-
Taehyung: it's ok jichu you can continue.
She sighed before starting to cut the fruits again.

I just started to stare at her the whole time not bothering anything else.


That's what I feel when I am with her. I feel so much better and happy around her. I will forget all my problems and stress when she is with me.

She makes me careless when it comes to her.

She makes me feel like I am also a special person in this world; I also have the right to live in this world. She made me realise that I am not just a useless person who can't achieve any success in this world.

You all might think why am I saying these things.
It's because when I was seventeen I got badly yelled by my dad for failing continuously in the exams. Well it's not a bad thing to be yelled by your parents because they have the right on us. But that day he told me that I am a useless person and I don't deserve to be in this world. His words were deep enough to make me depressed. Yeah you heard it right. I had this sickness called depression.
Not only that the next day my first girlfriend who I assumed as my first love broke up with me. She said that she fall in love with another guy while being in a relationship with me which practically meant that she was cheating on me. That was the another most worst thing in my life because I was in a relationship with her for almost 2 years.

Everything became so messed up in my life. I became quite because of the depression. I lost my friends because the sudden change of my behaviour. I changed my school because I didn't want to see her anymore.

And that was when I realised that angels really exist in this world.

Kim Jisoo,
even her name is enough to make me feel happy.

She made me realised that I am not a useless person. She made me strong to fight with my depression. She made me move on from my ex girlfriend. She even helped me to get improve in my studies. She did everything to make me feel happy and special.

She had done all those things to me that a kind person does. I got back my old self because of her. I am so grateful to have her in my life.

I was so lost on my thoughts that I didn't realise Jisoo calling my name..
Jisoo: yah Kim Taehyung shi!! Why are you zoning out?!
Taehyung: oh.. a-ani I just remembered something.
Jisoo: oh..well you can let go of my hair now I am finished already.

I looked at her with a pout on my face while slowly letting go of her hair.
Taehyung: already...You didn't have to be so fast.
I whined making her to giggle at me...

That smile!

Jisoo: I wasn't that fast I just didn't want to make you stand here like a fool who was holding my hair like a statue.
I glared at her while the pout was still on my face.
She chuckled before being tip toe to ruffle my hair making me blush and grin widely...

Jisoo: aigoo..don't try to be cute when you already know that you are an alien.
Taehyung: yahh! You are so mean!
Jisoo: ami I? Thank you I guess. Anyways I forgot to ask why did you come here? Do you need anything?
Taehyung: no I was just here for you. I wanna have a friends talk with you..'alone'.
I said in a excited tone while saying the word 'alone' separately.

Jisoo showed me her beautiful heart shaped smile making my heart to skip a beat and said..
Jisoo: yeah sure. You can go first, I will join you after giving this fruit salad to the others.
Taehyung: ok then I will wait for you at the balcony.
I said and she nodded before leaving the kitchen.

I walked towards the balcony while smiling like a stupid, feeling so happy.

Well I already told you that I love spending time with her so what's wrong with smiling?

Jisoo's POV
I walked to the hall and put the fruit salad on the table getting all of their attention..
Yoongi: where was you? Do you know for how long I was waiting for you?
Yoongi asked with a frown getting some 'ooohhh' from everyone who also had a smirk on their face.

Jisoo: I was making fruit salad for everyone in the kitchen.
Jin: mmm...that's really good Sooyaaa!
Jin oppa who was already eating the salad said with a happy voice.
Lisa : of course it would be oppa. After all our unnie is a great cook.
Jimin: Jisoo do you know where Taehyung is? He left the leaving room without saying anything.
Jisoo: oh he is in the balcony now. Don't worry he was with me in the kitchen a while ago.
Yoongi: what?! What was he doing with you there?!
Yoongi stood up from the couch and asked in a raised voice.

Jisoo: he was helping me there. And he said he wants to talk with me in the balcony alone.
Yoongi: huh? In the balcony? Alone? Talk? I am coming with you.
He said and was about to walk when I stopped him by holding his hand..
Jisoo: yah Yoongi I said he wants to talk with me alone..why would you come with me?
Yoongi: because he might do anything weird.
I raised my eyebrows and asked..
Jisoo: why would he do something weird?
Yoongi: because he is a weirdo.

I slapped his arms not so hardly and said..
Jisoo: yah you should not say this!! He is your friend.
Yoongi: tsk! He is-
Namjoon : yah you two!! Stop bickering like a couple! And Yoongi stop being stubborn! Jisoo and Taehyung are friends. They are just going to have a friends talk with each other; besides Taehyung's mood is a bit off since yesterday, he might tell something to Jisoo about his problem.
Jungkook : yeah we know that you are noona's soon to be boyfriend but you can trust Taehyung hyung(or maybe not).

I facepalmed myself and looked at Jungkook in disbelief.
Jisoo: yah Jeon Jungkook! What the hell are you talking about?!
Jungkook: what I said is not wrong through noona...right hyung?
Yoongi: of course you are not wrong kook.
Yoongi said and winked at me.
I groaned irritatedly and left them laughing there.

To be continued......

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