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(A/N: Photo credit to the rightful owner)

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(A/N: Photo credit to the rightful owner)

Taehyung's POV
Me and the boys were walking to the school .Our dorm wasn't that much far from the school that's why we don't use any of our car. Yes car, we're rich you know.

We were almost at the school gate when I saw Jisoo and the other girls talking to our school's old watchman. Wait it's only Jisoo who is talking to him.
My friends also noticed it but before we could walk to them the girls were already gone.
Jungkook: should we ask the watchman what they were talking about?
Namjoon: wouldn't it be interfering on their matter?
Jin: oh come on! they are our friends we should know if they are in a problem or anything.
Taehyung: yeah we should ask him.

We walked to the watchman and bowed at him before asking..
Jimin: annyeonghaseyo ahjussi! Can you please tell us what were you and the four girls talking about a while ago??
The old man raised his eyebrows.
The Old Man: and who are you guys??
Hoseok: we are their best friends.
The Old Man: oh I see. I wasn't talking with all of them, I was talking with the beautiful young lady and they were her friends I guess.
Taehyung: you mean Jisoo?
Jimin: yah! Rosé is also beautiful!
Jungkook: what do you mean!Lisa is too!
Jin: yah!! Stop arguing! And taehyung how would he know that he was talking to Jisoo!
The Old Man: umm.. I guess her name is really Jisoo. Because her friends were calling her with this name.

Namjoon: then what were you guys talking about?
The Old Man: oh! The young lady Jisoo was waiting for someone yesterday, she was standing outside of the school gate for more than an hour. I told her to go back home before it started to rain but she didn't listen to me so when I met her today I asked her if she is fine or not because she looked pale a while ago.

That's when I remembered about yesterday.
Oh no what did I done! I have to apologise to her. She must be very angry at me now.

Taehyung: oh no what would I do now?!
I frustratedly messed my hair and all of my friends looked at me weirdly.
Hoseok: what do you mean?
I hesitate to say but told them the whole story about yesterday, and of course her three over protective childhood best friends were really mad at me. Jin hyung, Jimin and Jungkook.

Jungkook: how could you forgot about it hyung!! Because of you noona is sick now!!
Jimin: yah! If you can't keep a promise then you should not say it!
Jin: yeah! You are such a stupid punk taehyung!!

I looked at them sadly and apologised sincerely.
Taehyung: I am sorry hyung I promise I won't do it again now please help me to convince Sooyaaa.
Namjoon: yeah we will don't worry. But don't do that again ok.

I nodded my head in agreement but suddenly the old man said something that made me to blush so hardly I don't know why.
The Old Man: oh so you are her boyfriend. You should say sorry to her young man. You are lucky to have a girl like her.
Taehyung: a-ani ahjussi she is my friend not my girlfriend.
The Old Man: oh I am sorry I thought she is. Anyways I'm going now have a great day boys.
Hoseok: ne thank you ahjussi!
We bowed at him and got inside of the school.

We all separated our ways to our classes. And when I entered in the class I was only looking for one person.
And there she was sitting in the chair with a book on her hand, looking like a beautiful angel she is.

What? Don't misunderstand! I am just complimenting my best friend.

I reached at our seat and sat beside her. But she didn't said anything to me. Usually she would always greet me but today she didn't. I guess she is super mad at me.

I cleared my throat trying to get her attention but she was not even sparing a glance at my direction. I heard some weird noises coming from her and when I looked at her carefully she was sniffing.

Is she crying?

Taehyung: ch-chu?
She finally looked up at me with a blank expression which made me even more nervous.
Jisoo: what?
Taehyung: ab-about yesterday... I-I am-
Jisoo:ugh! taehyung my head is really hurting so*sniff* don't talk to me now. *sniff*
She said before going back to reading her book.
Taehyung : a-are you crying?
Jisoo: I got a cold yesterday.
She said in a irritated voice which made my to heart broke.

I am feeling so guilty right now she is not even looking at me. And the worst is she got a cold because of me which clearly means she waited for me yesterday in the rain.
I sighed before saying..
Taehyung: I am so sorry Sooyaaa..
Jisoo : no need to apologies I already forgave you. Now let me read the book please.

I just nodded my head while continuing to stare at her again.

Even though she said she had forgiven me, I know she is really mad at me but she is not showing it because she doesn't want to be rude with me or anyone. This is one of the most beautiful thing that I like about her. She will always forgive you even when you are hurting her.
She is a kind person. Isn't she ?

I didn't know that our teacher was already inside the class because I was so lost looking at her for the whole time.
Teacher : Kim Taehyung if you are finish starting at Jisoo then can we start the class now?
The teacher said making the whole class to laugh at me. I quickly looked down and scratched my neck in embarrassment.

I could see in the corner of my eyes Jisoo was blushing which I found so cute.

Ugh stupid taehyung! Focus on the class now!

To be continued.....

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