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( A/N: Photo credit to the rightful owner)

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( A/N: Photo credit to the rightful owner)

Jisoo's POV
The next day
Me and the girls were already in the locker area of our school to get our books.
When I opened my locker I was greeted by a bunch of letters and gifts.

Ugh! What am I going to do with these. I am always getting these letters and gifts from many students or in my friends language 'admirers.'

I sighed before putting them back on my locker and taking my books.
Jennie: wow Unnie! your admirers never gets tired of giving you gifts and letters everyday!
Jennie said in amusement.
Lisa: of course they won't. Our Unnie is the prettiest! No one will ever get tired of her!
Lisa said while rolling her eyes at jennie that no one noticed except for me.
I pinched her arm slightly. She groaned earning weird looks from everyone. We just smiled at them awkwardly and bowed a little.

Well after our conversation last night, I told Lisa and Rosé not to bother in Jennie and Taehyung's relationship. Because knowing Lisa, she was super mad at Jennie. She was ready to be explode at her. But somehow I managed to calm her down by blackmailing her emotionally.

I don't want our friendship to break because of me. Besides it's not any of their fault that I fall for Taehyung who is now my best friend's boyfriend.

We all separated our ways to our class. And when I entered the class all of their attention turned into me.
Well That's usual but still I don't like it. I felt uncomfortable because of their stares so I quickly walked to my seat which was on the front.

But suddenly someone tapped my shoulder that made me starlet and a little bit scared.
Taehyung: hey! Why are you so scared?
Jisoo: why wouldn't I, if you suddenly tap my shoulder like this!
I whisper shouted not wanting to be the spotlight anymore.

He just chuckled at me and flicked my head making me groan.
Taehyung: aigoo! Did you forgot that I am your seat-mate?
Yup! He is my seat-mate. What a bad luck right?
Jisoo: I didn't you silly!
I said earning another chuckle from him.
Stop doing that you jerk!

Taehyung: Jisoo yaa..
Jisoo: hmm
I hummed in response not wanting to talk with him anymore.
Taehyung: I wanted to tel-
But Before he could finish his sentence our class teacher came making the whole class silent.

Time skipped
It was now lunch time. We all were sitting at the cafeteria while eating our foods.
And what I mean by we is me, Lisa, Rosé, Jennie, Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook, Jin oppa, Namjoon oppa and Hoseok oppa. This is our group. We are all best friends. The boys also lives together in their own house because like us their parents doesn't live here in Seoul.

Jin oppa, Jiminie and Jungkookie are my closest friends in the group besides Taehyung. They are like brothers to me since they are also my childhood friends. Our parents are really close to each other and that's the cause that we're best friends forever. Some people even thinks that we are real siblings because of our unique bond. Sometimes they get really over protective when it comes to me. I can still remember the day how they fought with the bad kids who were bullying me in my kindergarten school. Yes they are like my real brothers who really cares for me.

We all were chatting or should I say they were chatting because I was only playing with my food not bothering to talk with them.

Suddenly Hoseok oppa said something that made all of them to look at taehyung and Jennie who were sitting together.
Hoseok: well taehyung and Jennie! Do you guys have anything to say or announce?
They all looked at him in confusion except for Taehyung and Jennie who had a nervous look on their face while I didn't bother to look up because I knew what was coming.

Taehyung: ani hyung! W-what are you talking about?
Taehyung said while laughing nervously. Jennie did the same and said..
Jennie: yeah we don't have anything to s-say.
Hoseok: oh please stop this acting. We already know that you guys are dating.
Hoseok oppa said that made my two best friends and my so called three over protective brothers to look at me with shocked and worried look. I felt that Jennie and taehyung was also starting at me which made me even more uncomfortable.

Except Jennie, Lisa, Rosé, Jin oppa, Jimin and Jungkook no one knows that I like Taehyung since a long time.

Everyone became quite while Namjoon oppa and Hoseok oppa were left confused.
Because of the awkward situation Jin oppa cleared his throat and smiled at the new couple.
Jin: congrats to you guys.
Jimin: hmm..congrats
Jungkook: congratulations hyung and noona.
They congratulated them with a blank expression.
Namjoon : aren't you girls going to congratulate them?
Namjoon oppa asked earning a glare from Lisa and Rosé.

Namjoon: what? Why ar-
I cut him off and finally looked up at them with a wide yet fake smile on my face before saying..
Jisoo: congratulations! I'm so happy for you taetae and jendeukie.
Taehyung seems so concerned yet confused I didn't know why. But Jennie smiled at me and said..
Jennie: thank you Unnie! Thank you everyone!

Soon the bell started to ring. Means we all have to head back to our classroom.

During our class I could feel Taehyung's stares at me. He is making me so uncomfortable today.

He leaned closer to my ear making me flinch but soon I calmed down when he whispered in my ear.
Taehyung: let's hang out today..
I didn't say anything but just smiled and nodded my head.
What else does he wants from me?!

To be continued.....

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