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Key: (BOLD + Italic is the Character's Inner Thoughts)

Alex POV

I woke up to the sound of my name being called, I could vaguely feel a hand on my shoulder, which was weird since I haven't been able to touch or feel anything for a hundred years. I reluctantly opened my eyes and was meet with the sight of the molten gold eyes that were looking at me with worry.

 I tried to get up, but strong arms held me down and that's when I realized that he was holding me, that I was touching something without going through it, but my happiness was short lived when I felt him unwrapping himself from me and tugging on my arm until we were both standing.

We were face to face so I could see his every feature, the old and the new, I noticed how his jaw was more angular and sharp, how his hair was more of a mess than before, more untamable and wild, how the bronze in his hair was more defined and had penny and copper highlights in it.

I slowly reached a hand out, my eyes on his the whole time, silently asking permission to touch him and when he nodded I gently brushed my finger tips against his cheek. When I was sure he was okay with it I became a little bolder and cupped his cheek, I could feel him holding his breath and I gently massaged his shoulder with my other hand to help uncoil his tense muscles.

His skin no longer had a gentle smoothness to it, instead it now had a rougher feeling to it, and it was no longer a tan color, instead it was a pasty white. I could feel him lifting his arm to cup my cheeks and rubbing the pad of his thumb on them in a circular motion, while putting the other arm around my waist to hold me in place (this was easy for him since I only reached his shoulder).

"I missed you Alex, God I missed you so much," his whispered confession held so much pain that it broke my cold dead heart into a million pieces (again).

"I missed you too Edward, I....I never thought I would see you again, when......when you were lying in that hospital bed, you looked so dead, so broken, I couldn't stand to see you like that, I...." I broke off when I suddenly began to cry. I felt a hand running through my hair and Edward's calming voice whispering sweet nothings in my ear, my sobs continued for a few minutes before they turned into little hiccups. 

"Feeling better," I nodded my head which had settled in the crook of his neck during this whole ordeal. "Yeah, I'm sorry that you had to see that and for ruining your shirt," he just chuckled and wiped my tears, "Its fine, I could never be mad at you, you could ruin a thousand of my shirts and I would still love you." 

I blushed a bright cherry red when I heard him say 'love', I untangled myself from him and looked at the ground to hide the red flush that had spread across my face. 

I decided to quickly change the topic before he noticed. "So how are you alive, I mean I came to your funeral, the doctors all said that you were dead," I was genuinely curious about this, because I remember that the doctor that had announced Elizabeth's death had also announced Edward's shortly after, I also remembered living in misery and guilt after his death. 

I was pulled out of my musing by Edward looking at me with such agony that all I wanted to do was slap myself for asking such a stupid question and to just hug him until he feels better. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I understand that this is a touchy subject for you," I tried to quickly fix my mistake before further damage could happen. 

"No, it's ok I......I'm just afraid that you will hate me when you find out that I'm a monster, and Alex you are my best friend and I can't let that happen, I've wanted to see for for a hundred years, and now that I've finally found you, I can't lose you, I won't lose you......not again." I felt torn between anger and sadness at Edward's words, how could he believe himself to be a monster, when he's the most amazing and selfless person I've  ever.

"You're wrong you know, you Edward Anthony Mason are the most caring, loyal and selfless person I know, you are strong and you fight for what you believe in, you held me while I cried without a complain, you have feelings and no monster has that, you Edward are beautiful and don't you dare ever think I will leave you because the whole the world will burn before I leave your side again, unless you want me to."

I could see tears pooling in his eyes, but they never spill, and before I know it, I am wrapped up in his arms in a tight hug. I breath in his scent and commit it to memory before letting him go, determined to find out what he was, and he must have seen the fire in my eyes because he breathed a sigh of defeat and closed his eyes.

I could feel the internal battle going on in his head and gently squeezed his hand in silent support and to let him know that I was not going anywhere, that we were going to get through this together, just like always. He opened his eyes, a spark in them that hadn't been there before, he squeezed my hand back and said, "Alex.....I'm a vampire." 

A/N: So hey guys, I finally updated and I'm sorry that I just wasted a whole chapter on this, but I couldn't think of anything, but I promise that the next chapter will be better (hopefully).

 So comment and tell me what you think. :) P.s Happy New Year guysss!!

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