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Key: (BOLD + Italic are the character's Inner thoughts)

Alex POV

I couldn't tear my eyes away from the look on Edward's face, it was so hopeful, so beautiful, Victoria and I had been trying for the past 50 years to find a way to change me back to a human, year after year she would come to me with new ideas, new books with different methods, and none of them had worked, why would this year be any different.

I almost walked out of the room, but before I could do anything Edward voice rang out in the room, "Alex come with me, we need to talk," I gulped at the dark look in his eyes and silently followed him out of the room. We walked to his room in silence, when we walked inside Edward closed the door and walked towards me slowly.

He pushed me against the bookcase and kissed me hard. I closed my eyes and lost myself to the feeling of his lips on mine, thank god we didn't need to breathe or else I would be losing oxygen fast if he kept kissing me like this. I felt like I was drowning in liquid euphoria, my head was all fuzzy and my body felt like it was on fire, especially my waist where Edward had gently placed his hand when he had pushed me earlier, his other hand was playing with the hairs on the nape of my neck.

Eventually like all good things the kiss came to an end much to my disappointment (and I'm sure yours's as well). "I wish I could change the way you see yourself." I was utterly confused by Edward's words and I think he realized that because he held a finger up to tell me he wasn't done yet. "What I mean is that no matter what your form, race, gender or sexuality is I will always love you, because your heart makes you Alex, nothing else.

I was silent for a minute taking his words in, Edward had always been there for me when I was upset or unsure, and sometimes I didn't feel as if I deserved him or his kind words. I hadn't realized that I had started crying or becoming more solid until I felt Edward's warm hands cupping my face wiping my tears.

"Promise you won't leave me if this doesn't work, please Edward promise me." I know I was begging and probably looked pathetic, but at this point I didn't really care anymore. "I swear on my love for you that I would never leave you for as long as I exist." I surged forward and kissed him again (I really couldn't resist, especially after that confession).

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