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TW: Attempted Rape 

Key: (BOLD + Italic are the character's Inner thoughts)

Alex POV

A few days had passed since the horrid hospital accident (yes I know, I really need to come up with a better name for that), and tensions were running high in the Cullen family, most of the Cullens had a silent arrangement that we wouldn't talk about it, while Rosalie had no problem telling us just how she felt about everything, going from yelling at our faces to glaring holes into our backs. 

It was a normal day when it happened, Edward and Emmett had just come back from hunting and we were all gathered around the dining table discussing what to do about Bella (for the fifth time today), when Alice suddenly zoned out and Edward instantly started reading her mind with rapt attention.

It must have been something big if Edward's sharp intake of breath and Alice's horrified gasp had anything to say about it. Before any of us could ask what the vision was about, Edward dashed outside with Alice yelling at him that he won't be fast enough while the rest of us figure out what the fuck just happened.

 I blinked once and then twice before I dazedly made my way to Edward who was inside the Volvo getting ready to......do something, I quickly walked inside the Volvo and sat down in the passenger's seat (yes I walked through the car, I didn't really have time to ask Edward to open the door since he looked like a desperate madman about to go on a rampage right now).

Edward successfully avoided running over Alice (Jasper would have killed him if he didn't) and we made our way to......I have no idea. I leaned over the console and waved my hand across Edward's face to get his attention and was met with a "not right now Alex, this is important and I need to focus."

So I moved my hand back and sat quietly (read sulked), throughout the whole car ride to the FBI's headquarters........just kidding, (but it might as well have been with how secretive Edward was being). After a few minutes of driving the scenery became familiar and I realized where we were going.

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