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Key: (BOLD + Italic are the character's Inner thoughts)

Alex POV

As Carlisle lead the humans in, I couldn't help but look at the curly haired boy. He was the one I had met in the hallway earlier. I walked towards the boy until I was right in front of him, I slowly reached my hand out as if I was going to slap him and watched as he flinched away. This caught the attention of the vampires in the room, but I ignored them in order to look at the human's reactions.

Everyone was now looking at me in shock, but I was more focused on the fact that everyone could actually see me (I almost started crying with how overwhelmed I was feeling, but held it in because I didn't want to worry anyone).

Edward seemed to have caught on to what I was doing (through our shared soulmate telepathy.......just kidding that only exists in my dreams), and said, "Alex was not trying to actually hit you Milo, he was just trying to conclude if his hypothesis was correct." 

I sheepishly looked at Milo and he just smiled to show that it was alright (this boy was seriously so cute, like I wanted to adopt him and teach him everything I know, starting from some serious fashion classes)

"Well then if everybody is ready we can make our way to the living room......preferably with no interruptions this time." I smiled innocently at Carlisle while the rest of the Cullen's laughed at my expense (and if I pouted subtly then no one needed to know).

Throughout my whole existence there's only one thing I have hated more than Sally the evil cow we used to have when I was human and it's awkward situations. Like I would rather be buried alive than put myself in an awkward position, so when the silence in the room got a little too much I decided to get this conversation/confrontation started. 

"So Ms Swan how did you figure out the Cullens weren't humans," I tried to sound posh and professional while saying this, but by the barely suppressed grins on the Cullen's face I didn't succeed. Bella however gave me a small appreciative smile, so at least my embarrassment helped someone.

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