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Key: (BOLD + Italic is the Character's Inner Thoughts)

Alex POV

My ears were ringing (rather loudly might I add), as my brain tried to process Edward's words, he was a vampire....... I was skeptical at first, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense, the (inhuman) golden eyes, our skin being the same temperature (ghost skin was ice cold, kind of like their hearts and lawyers), plus if ghosts could exist (I was living proof of that, well technically dead proof, but you get the idea), so could vampires and despite how bizarre it sounded, by the troubled looked in Edward's eyes I just knew it had to be true. 

I had been caught up in my thoughts (as usual) for so long that Edward had taken my silence as rejection and was slowly inching away from me. Before I knew what I was doing, my arm shot out and gripped his shoulder in an iron grip (and wooow, clearly he had been working out since I last saw him), and even though I knew he could easily over power me, he stayed in my arms (where I wanted him to be forever).

"Alex let me go, it's okay if you don't want me anymore, you're not obligated to do this," his words were very quiet and I had to lean in closer to him to hear them.

"Edward I'm not doing this because I have to, I....." I stopped to take a deep breath to think where I wanted to take this, and after a few (long) seconds I finally open them with a firm (like Edward's razor sharp jaw) look in my eyes, which I hope conveyed how serious I was at the moment, (hopefully it worked because I'm not used to being mean, like have you seen this face, I'm clearly the cute one in this relationship.......I mean friendship).

"Edward listen to me clearly, because if you don't I will get it tattooed on your forehead so you remember (I wasn't actually going to do that, but he didn't need to know that), you are my best friend (even though I wish we were more than that), and I don't care what you are, vampire, werewolf, fairy (imaging Edward in a pink frilly dress did not help my resolve in remaining serious), yeti or even if you were big foot. I wouldn't care, do you understand what I'm saying." He nodded and looked at me with a thankful look in his eyes. 

 "Now what do you say we blow this popsicle stand," he chuckled at me before turning serious. 

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