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TW: There is a mention of depression and self-harm in this, so if you find these topic's sensitive please skip those parts, I will leave a warning before it starts. 

Key: (BOLD + Italic are the character's Inner thoughts)

Alex POV

I might not know the right words to say, but my mind was a fucking mess right now, okay first of all I doubt she smelt better than me.......I mean the strawberries probably smelt like that candle my aunt Muriel gave me and that thing smelt nasty.....like a wet baby diaper mixed with the old people scent that my dead (thank god, I hated that women.....I mean she was always forcing me to get married to her fifth husband's second brother's daughter) grandma's house.

[TW Starts Now] 

I can guarantee that I smell better than any human on this planet (if you don't believe me you can ask Harry Styles.....he'll vouch for me). And don't even get me started on how angry I feel right now, I mean because of some pathetic human MY Edward felt both mental and physical pain, I just hope to God that for her sake his depression and mental state didn't get worse than before, I still remember that day in our human lives when I first caught him cutting his wrist with one of his mother's kitchen knives and that time I caught him burning himself with his father's blunt.

Those days still haunt me and will continue to haunt me for the rest of my existence. I will always remember his beautiful tear stained cheeks as he gazed at me with his stunning green eyes.....begging me not to tell anyone of what I saw, and I never did.....because I promised him. And if there's one thing that Alex Turner never does, its break his promises to his Eddie. From what I've heard during the few days I've been here Edward is apparently always 'moping' in his room, but I think there's more to it than that.

[TW Ends Now]

And I have a feeling that Jasper knows it too (of course he knows it too, he's an empath, plus as good at lying Edward is he's never been able to lie to those that truly matter to him). Moving on I couldn't help but feel a hint of pride and smugness at the fact that despite everything Edward wants to go to Alaska with ME.....not alone or with anyone else, but ME....ALEX FREAKING TURNER (hah take that brunette girl......okay I really needed to find out her name)

I took a deep breath to reel everything in (I really wanted my scream pillow right now). I was pretty excited about this, but for some reason I couldn't help but feel nervous as well. I mean I was gonna spend a whole week alone with Edward, anything can happen in a week......OMG can I even spend a day alone with Edward without thirsting over him??? (Spoiler alert: probably not).

 Okay so 2 things were happening right now, 1- I was on the verge of having a panic attack because well I would have to spend a week alone with Edward, which meant that for ONE WHOLE WEEK I would have to pretend to be Edward's best friend that only has platonic feeling for him, bro feelings, no homo you know, but in reality my feelings are the exact opposite of that!!!

Before I would continue my mini panic attack Edward grabbed my arm and dragged me to his room (apparently this was supposed to be his dramatic exit, that or he just didn't want to face the silence any longer.....not that I blame him). Once we were safely inside his room I saw him finally breathe more easily, I know this must have been hard for him since its been a long time since he's been this vulnerable (being a vampire really boosts a person's confidence and self esteem you know).

 Edward started packing his clothes and other essentials while I sat on the bed and read a book from Edward's bookshelf (he had quite the collection, one I definitely envy). "Are you mad at me?" Edward's sudden question shocked me (and I may or may not have dropped my book), but I could see where he was coming from, it must have been hard to bear his soul out to everyone important to him only to get silence in return so I decided to quickly answer him and not to keep him waiting any longer. 

"I'm not mad at you Eddie, I don't think I could ever be mad at you, in fact right now I'm the opposite of mad, I'm so happy Eddie.....you don't know how proud of you I am, I know it mustn't have been easy, it never is, but the important thing is that you did it, and I don't know about you, but it looked like it must have felt good to get it all out."

I gave him a teasing smile at the end just to bring a little lightness back into the room and lift the tense atmosphere (the tension was so thick I could cut it with a fucking knife), Edward smiled gratefully at me and went back to packing, this may have offended other people, but I know Edward is thinking about what I said and I also know Edward isn't the best at taking compliments (I'll just have to change that I guess)

 And if he was human right now, he'd probably be a blushing, flustered mess (he was even prettier with his cheeks flushed red). It was almost 9pm by the time we finished and I asked Edward whether he wanted to leave today or tomorrow. Edward wanted to go today since he just needs to get away from family for awhile, so off we were I guess.

A/N: Soooo what do you guys think? I tried to make it interesting, but I'm not happy with this chapter or the next. 😔 I am trying to speed this up and not write any unnecessary things, plus I'm also trying to add as many characters as possible so it's taking a while. 

Moving on, question of the day is: How has Wattpad influenced your life? I really learnt to respect other authors much more, because now writing this myself I can see how hard it is and how much thought and time it takes and it just makes me more grateful for the people who take their time and effort to write these stories for us.

Anyways so sorry about my rambling, just ignore it,  I promise I will update again soon (if I don't get busy). Have a good day/night and I will see you guys in the next chapter. I love you guys!!! 

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