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Key: (BOLD + Italic are the character's Inner thoughts)

Edward POV 

The past few hours felt like a dream, I felt as if I was floating on a cloud surrounded by kittens and unicorns who were shitting rainbows. On a serious note though, everything felt unreal, like my mind could not fathom the idea that Alex actually liked me back. I had always stayed up late when we were humans and thought about a life with Alex, just us in a little countryside house, but when I got the influenza those hopes felt lifetimes away, it got even harder when I became a vampire.

 Over the decades my memories of my human life started fading away until I was left with blurry images of my old life, I remember the desperation I felt when I kept trying to force myself to remember how Alex sounded, how he looked and felt in my arms. I shook myself out of my depressing thoughts and looked at the beautiful boy beside me, I would try to look at the positive side of all this, after all that suffering I ended up with him in my arms and I would like to think it was all worth it. 

I would go through a thousand lifetimes alone and filled with pain if I would get to kiss Alex at the end. "You know you're thinking awfully loud over there, wanna share with the class what's on your mind," I unconsciously smiled at that and pulled Alex closer to my side. "Nothing important, just thinking about the beautiful ghost next to me," I smirked when I saw him look down in embarrassment, good to know that even after a 100 years I can still get a reaction out of him.

When we finally arrived at the doors of the school, the bell rang signaling that it was lunch time (thank God because I don't really think I would be able to focus in class after what had just happened). We unfortunately let go of our joined hands (I don't get why Alex forced me to, everyone already thinks we're insane, how much worse can it get), and made our way towards the cafeteria.

 I tried avoiding eye contact with all of my siblings, especially Alice and her smug face. Emmett on the other hand was screaming very inappropriate things in his head that I will definitely punch him for later. "Well, well, well look who it is. Mr Edward Cullen finally got his head out of his ass," Alice said just as I sat down in between Rosalie and Jasper (these two might scare me sometimes, but it's better than sitting next to the crazy twins Emmett and Alice)

I glared at Alice for her little comment, but stopped when I heard laughing behind me. I turned around only to be met with the sight of Alex sitting (read: rolling) on the floor dying of laughter, I smiled as I heard my sibling's fond thoughts (even Rosalie........shocker I know). The atmosphere somehow felt lighter between us and I felt happier than I had in years. 

After lunch we made our way to our separate classes, but for some reason, something felt off as if we were enjoying the calm before the storm. By the time the final bell rang signifying the end of the school day the feeling of dread inside me only increased, I tried to ignore Alex's worried glances, Jasper's frenzied thoughts about my emotions and Alice's knowing look. 

We got home fairly quick thanks to Rosalie's wonderful (read: insane) driving. The minute we opened the door to the house Alice was dragging Alex away and yelling at Esme and Rosalie to follow (I love Alex, but I'm so thankful Alice decided to torture him and not me). By the time Carlisle came home Alice had gotten all the excitement (and sugar) out of her system and was quietly looking through fashion magazines with Esme.

Everything seemed fine and that put my anxiety to rest, but that all changed when the door bell rang. Alice gasped as a vision hit her and before I could watch it with her in her mind I was assaulted with a million thoughts coming my way, soon my mind was full of thoughts ranging from 'OMG they are vampires who can drain us dry,' to 'I wonder which one of them has a blood kink.' 

I paused at that last thought, I'm pretty sure Rosalie went through a phrase in the 1970's that was very disturbing to think about. I shook that thought away because right now was not the time for such things and instead tried to see if I could pick out any clues from these thoughts as to give me a hint as to whom was outside.

Carlisle ever the leader, made his way to the door and confidently opened the said door. We were all shocked when we were met with the sight of Bella Swan holding an axe and the golden haired dude next to her holding a cross? The weird new siblings (but not as weird as us apparently), just standing there silently (although the boy looked like he was seconds away from bashing his head against a wall, while the girl looked like she was ready to stab Rosalie with a nail filer)

And last, but not least was the quiet black haired boy from my literature class who Mr. Kim practically adopted. This was probably the most odd group of individuals I've ever seen together and I'm sure that if it wasn't for the tense atmosphere Alex would have found this very funny and would have burst out laughing instantly. "Well would you all like to come in," Carlisle said with a bright smile.

I shook my head at him as he completely ignored the not so deadly weapons in their arms (only Carlisle). "I'm sure we all have a lot to talk about," and with that we all made our way to the living room and all I could think as we walked to our doom (but then again not really), was that Alex was right about the immortality thing he said a few days ago, it's always the 'same shit different day.'

A/N: Sooooo it's been a very long time and I'm incredibly sorry for that, but 'll try to update more now that I have winter break. 

Moving on let me know if you guys enjoyed this chapter, even though it was a filler of sorts. Anyways I hope you guys have a good day/night and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.  I love you guys!!! 

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