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TW: A lot of angst is ahead, mentions of depression and self loathing.

 Also the moment we have all been waiting for is finally here.....

Key: (BOLD + Italic are the character's Inner thoughts)

Alex POV

Edward has been anxious all morning and it's really starting to piss me off, I mean I know it's cliché and that apparently its bad luck to say this, but what's the worst that could happen (I mean I know that the Cullens could be exposed to the whole town, but hey at least Emmett will get a nice snack and some exercise out of it)

When we finally got to school, the first thing I saw was Bella Swan walking into the forest behind the school and subtly motioning Edward to follow (she failed at the subtly because I'm pretty sure the whole school saw that), me being the amazing best friend (future boyfriend) I am, decided to follow them because lets be real here, anxious Edward Cullen + Human that makes him anxious = disaster.

I'm pretty sure that neither of them knew I was following them as they both were pretty absorbed in each other (I'd be a liar if I didn't say that I got a little jealous watching the two of them dance around each other (metaphorically, I've seen Bella trip over air, so I'm pretty sure she can't dance all that well anyway)).

It looked as if they were playing a game with each other, neither knowing what to say and both waiting for the other to start (it was so frustrating to watch and it came to a point where I was about to revel myself just to strangle both of them...........no one likes this much suspense you know, honestly it's like watching a horror movie where you have to wait for the jump scare to happen or waiting for the ghost and his now vampire/former human best friend to kiss already because you're so sick and tired of both of them being oblivious to their feeling for each other).

Finally Bella decided she has had enough waiting and was gonna take the first step (thank God), "I know what you are," wow.......and the most vague sentence of the year award goes to......yup you guessed it BELLA SWAN!!! I had to stop myself from face palming or hitting my head against the nearest tree because who the hell starts a confrontation like that!

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