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TW: mentions of alcoholism, child abuse, terrorists and extremely bad writing ahead....... read with caution and stay safe.

Key: (BOLD + Italic are the character's Inner thoughts)

Milo POV

Standing next to a ghost in a tiny corner, in a hospital, listening to the Cullens argue about killing Bella Swan, was not how I planned to spend my Monday after school. To be honest I'm not even sure how we got to this point, but what I am sure about is that from what I've heard so far, none of this would have ever happened if Edward Cullen just stayed away from Forks.

I don't really know that whole story, but 2 things I do know are that 1- Bella Swan not being crushed by a van has something to do with the Cullens mysteriousness and 2- Rosalie, Carlisle and Edward Cullen are horrible at whispering. Anyways, let's take a walk down memory lane and see where this shit show of a day started. 

It had been a week since Matt and I had started our friendship and I can confidently say it was going great and that I've never been happier in my life. Not much had happened during the week, I had gone to school, come home and listen to my mother yelling at the furniture to get her more liquor, get her more liquor so she doesn't beat me too hard......

(Even though it never works), then I would spend the rest of the day in my room studying as well as avoiding my mother, and then reluctantly going downstairs to cook dinner before crying myself to sleep (I don't do that everyday.......just the days when I feel like dying.......which is everyday so it's complicated).

Moving on, it had been the first day of the second week of school (try saying that three times fast), the excitement of seeing your friends and going to a new grade was over by now and everyone was back to their normal mundane routines (by that I mean students were complaining about homework and some psychotic teachers were already planning the first test).

I had to literally drag myself to school that day because I just wanted to curl up in my blanket and sleep, not figure out 4(x + 3) or who the 13th president of the United States was. I wasn't the only one who didn't want to come to school that day, I'm pretty sure Archie's mom had to drag him by the ear (it wasn't the first time she did this, at least this time he wasn't half naked).

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