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Key: (BOLD + Italic are the character's Inner thoughts)

Milo POV

When I woke up this morning two things were very clear to me, 1- today was going to be one hell of a school day and 2- I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to use a lot of make-up to cover up the hickey on my neck. Usually getting ready for school isn't that big of a deal for me (I literally just put on a black hoodie and comfy jeans), but after yesterday I think it's high time I change that.

 So today I decided to go with blue jeans, a jean jacket, black converse and a ironman shirt (and I may or may not have twirled in a cologne cloud before I left for school, but no one has to know that). The walk to school was uneventful as usual and the day continued to be boring until lunch arrived, that's when things got interesting. 

At first lunch started off as normal, Archie and I sat on our usual table and talked about mundane topics such as Marvel vs DC and why awesomeness Tv's next big influencer is a literal joke (0/5 would not recommend unless you're in the mood for some shit comedy......which isn't even real comedy)

Our conversation was interrupted by Diana (who for some reason was looking at Archie with a very seductive smirk......hmm I'd have to keep an eye them), Matt (who was looking very shy and cute with the blush on his cheeks), and lastly........the brunette girl from yesterday?

"Hi guys, you don't mind if we sit here right, great so I want you to meet our childhood friend Bella Swan, she just moved here with us." So that's what her name is, "Hi Bella it's nice to meet you, my name is Archie and the idiot next to me is unfortunately my best friend Milo." 

Okay 1- it was not nice to meet her since we didn't even know her, 2- why was Archie looking so proud of himself when this 'Bella' giggled at his little attempt at being funny at my expense and why was Di looking equally as happy at that (hmmm......the plot thickens).

"So Di told me you guys have been living in forks for a long time and I was just wondering.......um is it normal for one of the Cullens to not go to school with the rest of them or......is this a new development?" I internally snorted at this and had to stop myself from laughing so hard I burst a lung! I can't believe this girl, is this her way of BEING DISCREET!!!

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