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Key: (BOLD + Italic are the character's Inner thoughts)

Milo POV

It has been a few days since the little show down in the hospital and Bella has been oddly silent since then (not that I minded whatsoever), apparently Edward Cullen dropped her off home last night (this information comes courtesy of Matt) and followed her into the forest this morning (I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who noticed that and the fact that Mr Ghost was following them as well while the rest of the Cullens watched)

I wanted to follow them but decided against it because that would be creepy, plus I had literature first lesson and I really hated disappointing Mr Kim by being late, (damn his irresistible dimples). By the time lunch rolled around I was pretty anxious and excited to ask Bella what happened in the forest (read: interrogate her until she caved in and answered all of my questions), and I was willing to use any means necessary to get her to spill the beans (not that she needed any help with that, she was so clumsy I'm pretty sure she could spill anything on her own).

Unfortunately Bella was sat in between Di and Archie who are both very protective of Bella for some reason (which I still haven't figured out yet, but I'm starting to think that they have a thing for her), so I didn't get the chance to do anything other than alternative glaring at Bella and Edward while subtly trying to flirt with Matt (I have my priorities okay).

I was starting to get really frustrated and by the end of the day I still had no idea what was said during the forest confrontation (as I now call it), so I decided to do something both stupid and impulsive......I invited Bella out to lunch. This would have been an easy task had it not been the fact that Bella had two very protective guards (aka Di and Archie) who did not leave her alone for a second.

And also the fact that Archie would literally look like a jealous kicked puppy if he found out I went to lunch with (one of) his crush(es) (even though he knows I'm as gay as a rainbow), in the end this was one battle I was not willing to fight because there were too many factors that could go wrong (and I didn't want to upset my best friend).

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