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Key: (BOLD + Italic are the character's Inner thoughts)

Alex POV

To say Eddie (yes he lets me call him that......it's because I'm special), was angry was a huge understatement, he was fuming. His pretty gold eyes were now an obsidian color and his Adonis like face was stone cold leaving no trace of the smile he wore this morning on his face. 

What the hell happened was initially my first thought, and I'm not even one bit ashamed to say that 'damn he's hot when he's angry' was my next. I saw him talking to the lady at the front desk Mrs Cope I think, the brunette from earlier was standing at the door listening in for some reason.

I made my way towards them and as I got closer I could hear Edward's desperate voice until he finally gave up and walked out. I could see the brunette look upset about something, but I didn't care enough to find out what it was (stop attacking me people, I'm not gonna go and make sure a stupid human girl, who I btw don't even know is alright, I have much better things to do like make sure my Eddie is okay).

I followed Edward to his car and saw his jaw clench tightly, he was probably waiting for blondie, bear-hug guy, shopaholic pixie and my 2nd favorite Cullen sibling. I may have only known these people for a few days, but by now I know not to mess with the pixie's clothes, don't interrupt the blonde when she's painting her nails or tinkering with her cars and don't ever underestimate the Bear's ability to squeeze you to death with a hug.

That's why cowboy is my favorite sibling (sorry second favorite, Eddie will always be my favorite), blondie number 2 is quiet and respectful, he actually tries to get to know me and doesn't tease Edward about me (or the fact I'm a ghost) like the others (although the others are only joking I know that it frustrates Edward sometimes).

Although he doesn't say it I know Edward wishes I had a body and that he could touch me (not like that you perverts), and he might not know it, but I heard him asking Carlisle for all the books he has on ghosts and saw him browsing Google for every article he could find on ghost summoning's and spirits that stay on earth. 

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