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Key: (BOLD + Italic is the Character's Inner Thoughts)

Alex POV

Nothing made sense anymore, my head was swimming with thoughts, some good and some.....well let's not go there. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, and to be fair I had seen some pretty weird and impossible things before (some of those things still give me nightmares)

In all honesty nothing could have prepared me for seeing my best friend of a decade (who should be very dead right now by the way) standing well and alive (the alive part was questionable), next to my past best friend's/future boyfriend's (hey don't judge me, it's gonna happen real soon, you're just jealous cause your single ass could never) family.

Thankfully the black haired girl next to him decided to break the awkward tension, "hi my name is Alice and I'm Edward's favorite future seeing sister, it's nice to meet you Alex I wish I could say I've heard so much about you, but I haven't because Edward never talks about anyone from his human life, I literally had to lock him out of the house and drag him to the airport just so he would go visit his parents graves."

Somehow she managed to say all this in one breath, which was really impressive (annnd I just remembered that she was a vampire and didn't need to breathe, but still my dumb bitch self could never, I would probably die again from lack of oxygen despite the fact I don't need to breathe).

"Alice you're my only future seeing sister, and you're not my favorite, I don't have favorites because last time I did Rosalie ended up burning my Volvo and I do not want a repeat of that, thank you very much", Edward said with an annoyed expression while pinching the bridge of his nose (he seems to do that a lot, and I don't know if he actually feels like this or if it's just part of his brooding aesthetic)

"It's nice to meet you too Alice, I've heard so much about you on the car ride here, Edward speaks very highly of all the women in his life especially about his sisters and mother, but he never told me how beautiful all of you were."

I said this while putting on a charming smile and hoping that this would somewhat win them over (I mean it's not like I lied, each of them are absolutely stunning with or without the enhanced vampiric abilities, but still how am I supposed to date Edward, marry him and have his babies if his family doesn't like me)

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