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Key: (BOLD + Italic are the character's Inner thoughts)

Alex POV

I admit it was nice being in a car with Edward, we talked all throughout the night (since neither of us needs sleep), and we caught up on our new interests/hobbies, Edward also told me funny stories from throughout his vampire existence and in return I did the same from my graveyard experiences. We also argued about which song should be played a few times, but in the end we compromised and shared the stereo. 

When we finally arrived the sun had already risen and the snow was glistening and shining beautifully (it kinda looked lies Edward's skin which was also looking very diamond like), the house was big, but modest, it looked nothing like the Cullen mansion, yet I could see the subtle hints that this house was designed by the one and only Esme Cullen.

 A women and a man came out of the house and from what Edward had told me about the Denali Coven so far, the woman must be Carmen and the man must be Eleazar. "Edward darling it's been so long since you last visited, we've missed you especially Tanya, she kept asking to visit you, but alas we got caught up in some work.

 Carlisle already called and told us about your situation and you are very welcome here, now why don't we go insi-oh who is that charming looking young man behind you?" I internally rolled my eyes at this Carmen character, she seemed harmless, but I didn't like the fact that she kept bringing up Tanya (yes I know who Tanya is, she's the creepy vamp who's obsessed with MY future boyfriend, apparently she's been trying to seduce him for a couple of decades).

"Eddie you're here, I missed you so mu-" I internally smirked at the shocked look on the three girls faces when they saw me, no I was in no ways scary, but apparently these prissy girls have never see a ghost before. Okay to be fair, most of the worlds population doesn't believe in ghosts anymore, but I don't get why though, was Annabelle a joke to you people, how about my good friend the nun.......

We aren't good friends, I just met her once in the church that was connected to the graveyard I was stuck in, no idea how she got there though, but she seemed pretty angry, plus she's not that great to look at either, so I didn't stay too long.

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