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Key: (BOLD + Italic are the character's Inner thoughts)

Milo POV

Why the hell did I agree to go to prom again? The minute I saw the red carpet full of couples and friend groups taking more pictures than paparazzi do for actual celebrities is when I knew I fucked up. See, I personally love the art of photography and taking pictures of the world, on the other hand though I hated taking pictures of myself, not because of some deep embedded self-hatred, but because I was way too awkward, hated smiling and had no idea what to do with my hands most of the time.

I got more and more terrified as we got closer to the famed carpet because I could already see Di and Archie trying to convince Bella to take a picture with them, and at that point I felt as if my life was over,  (maybe that sounded a little too dramatic). I'm pretty sure Matt could sense my reluctance, because soon I found myself being dragged away from the all the glitz and glamour to a quiet corner away from prying eyes.

"Hey are you ok Milo," I almost melted at the concern in his voice and tried to get myself to relax, "yeah it's just a little overwhelming I guess, I'm not really used to all this and it's a little too much." His eyes softened at the end of my sentence and I felt his warm arms wrap around me in a very comforting hug. "It's ok baby, just tell me when you start to feel overwhelmed again and we'll be out of here faster than a vampire."

Matt's dorky grin at the end was just too endearing for me not to smile back at him. So I decided to push all the negative thoughts to the very back of my mind where I keep all the other thoughts that keep me up at night and to just try to enjoy tonight, if not for myself, then for the wonderful man next to me who deserved an amazing prom experience. 

We walked back inside the gym just in time for Ed Sheeran's Perfect to start playing (which I heard was a prom classic), and slowed danced along with the other couples who were all gracefully gliding along the small center of the gym.....well almost all the couples. I could see Mike stepping on Jessica's toes and her trying to not wince in pain. 

I actually feel bad for her, because regardless of how much of a bitch she is, I think all she needs is a decent friend like Angela Webber, who was dancing with a certain dark haired boy who I'm pretty sure doesn't go here, but I recognize him as Persues Wren, my new neighbor who I definitely didn't expect to see here to all places.

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