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Key: (BOLD + Italic are the character's Inner thoughts)

Alex POV

It took them a minute after Alice's warning to walk into the clearing where Carlisle and Edward were waiting for them, Jasper and Emmett were positioned near the trees behind Carlisle and Edward ready as the second line of defense. The atmosphere inside the house was as tense as the one outside, all the humans were gathered in the living room while Esme was pacing nervously, Alice was trying to lighten up the mood (keyword: trying) and Rosalie was looking to listen in on the conversation going on outside.

After about 3 minutes I was starting to get very restless so being the dumbass I was I decided to go out there and see what was happening. It was fairly easy to get out of the house considering no one was really paying attention to me and the fact I can turn invisible when I want to. I stayed invisible even when I passed by Emmett and Jasper because I didn't want to alarm them, but I knew Edward would know I was there since he can literally read my mind.

As I got closer and closer I started hearing parts of the conversation going on and picked up that the nomads were asking Carlisle questions about the Cullen's house and way of life here, which was nothing too alarming so that was good. I stood or well floated next to Edward (still invisible), when a flash of orange-red caught my eye.

I turned to look at the nomads and was shocked when I recognized them. It was James, Victoria and Laurent. I had met the three of them in my early haunting years, they were following an unsuspecting human to the graveyard for a meal when Victoria saw me hiding behind a tree, and after they had devoured the poor human they had surrounded me.

When I had asked them what they wanted, it was Victoria who had answered telling me she was a witch during the Salem witch trials and was fascinated by me. Apparently she and her fellow sisters had been reading about the demonic realms and summoning the dead when they had been found out and forced to flee.

Truth be told, the bringing back the dead did fascinate me, so I stayed around and had some long conversations with Victoria (we actually got along very well), about the reasons of my existence (which sounds way deeper than it actually is), and we honestly didn't have much of a conclusion, however Victoria and I also discussed the possibility of transferring my ghost into an actual body.

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