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Key: (BOLD + Italic are the character's Inner thoughts)

Milo POV

I woke up to the sound of thumping on my window and with dried tears on my face, which didn't surprise me at all considering I literally cried an ocean last night. I reluctantly got up from my warm bed and walked towards the window only to flinch back in surprise when a rock came hurling at me, I barely dodged it in time.

"What the fuck," I cursed under my breath, I hesitantly walked closer only to see.....Matt Swan holding a bucket of rocks and a giant pink A3 poster??? "Ummm what exactly are you doing?" Matt looked very awkward for some reason as he dropped the rocks he was holding and picked with a giant glittery poster that read out in bold letter 'I'D BE OVER THE RAINBOW IF YOU WENT TO PROM WITH ME.'

I stared at him in silence for a second before I turned around, ran down the stairs and kissed him into oblivion. "That was the cutest and most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me you know, hell that's the only romantic thing that's ever been done for me except for that one time in third grade when Archie got me a card for Valentine's day cause his mom forced him too."

I said this all in one breath once we broke apart and when I was done with my mini story time Matt had the fondest smile on his face that made me want to curl up on his lap and just bask in the feeling of being loved and being allowed to love this amazing human being in return. "Well we are just gonna have to change that aren't we, note to self, give Milo as much love and as many romantic gestures as I possibly can until he's sick and tired of me and until he's completely falling over in love with me." 

I slapped him playfully on his chest for the stupid teasing smirk he had on his stupid pretty face as he said that last sentence. "You're such an ass you know," "So I've been told, anyways Lilo I should probably get back before Di and Bella figure out where I am and tease me endlessly for asking you so last minute, but I will be back to pick you up tonight." I smiled at him before telling him to be here at 7, I stood there and watched him walk to his car and stayed until he drove away.

I walked back inside and almost wished I hadn't when I saw my mother standing in front of the stairs staring at me as if she was seeing a ghost. We stood in silence for what seemed like forever before I gathered the courage to speak, "Mom, do you need anything?" That seemed to snap her out of whatever trace she was in and to my utter surprise she said "No no I'm fine, I don't need anything, I'll make breakfast and we can eat together alright," before she started walking towards the kitchen without even waiting for me to answer.

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