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Key: (BOLD + Italic is the Character's Inner Thoughts)

Milo POV

Today was the first day of school and I was so excited (just kidding, I was begging for this day to end the minute I woke up). The only thing I was excited for was to see Archie again, it's been a long time since I've seen my best friend (the last time we saw each other he was forcing me to get a 'hot date' on tinder, and trust me that did not end well)

Making my way downstairs to grab a sandwich for breakfast (I was late as usual, but it's not my fault that perfection takes a long time), I was met with two options, 1- go in the kitchen and face my mom (who was a major bitch most days), or 2- make a run for it. So that's how I found myself walking to school while texting Archie about how much I hate my life. 

I (finally) made it 20 minutes later and found myself standing next to my best friend in our school's shitty parking lot (looking like I was run over about 3 times by a bulldozer on the way there and just a little more dead on the inside than usual)

I was sure of three things at this point, 1- I hated everybody and everything, 2- I was gonna murder Archie for thinking my pain was funny (it really wasn't, it was more tragic than anything Shakespeare could ever write or think of), and 3- I was 100% sure I was in love with the new black haired boy who I just saw about 2 minutes ago (God he was soooo hot)

I knew I could never be with him because 1- he would never date an awkward dude like me, 2- I'm pretty sure he was already taken by the brunette next to him and 3- the second point probably meant that he was straight (sigh, why was my life so hard?). Archie (being the asshole he is) decided to pull me away from my depressing thoughts about me being a single gay forever and dying next to my 50 puppies and kittens because there was no way tall, dark and handsome was going to notice me.....ever.

 So as I made my way through the busy halls (ignoring the gossiping and the crying and the hugging and the gross making out around me, as well as Archie going on about his new crush of the week) I made a mental promise to myself that I would not go after tall, dark and handsome at all this whole school year, nope I was not interested in him at all starting from this minute, this year I would focus on my studi-......fuck.

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