Ch. 5

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The boys just rolled their eyes, and set back to what they were doing. We got the bags all ready, checked and found some more oil, and then we were just standing around. My hair had dried crazily from being whipped about when I ran back to the room. Fluffing the side of it, I looked at the boys. Dan and Phil were sorta sticking together, as were Ryan and Pewds. Toby was an awkward turtle, just talking to everyone.

"I guess we should get going..." I said reluctantly, pushing a lock of my crazy hair behind my ear. They nodded.

"Hey, Delilah, did you know that you have sex hair?" Dan asked, as we all walked towards the door. Before I could respond he continued.

"What were you and Toby doing last night?!" He added melodramatically, clutching his chest sarcastically. Phil gasped, I rolled my eyes, and Toby kicked Dan in the shin. Dan rubbed his leg, moaning. I laughed.

Out in the hall, it was completely dark now. We all lit our lamps, and checked to see how much oil was left. There was plenty, for now.

It was quiet, mostly, as we explored deeper into the castle. We meandered into a dining hall, and it was silent. In fact, the silence was-

"BARRELS!" Felix screamed, throwing his arms above his head. He was glaring at a barrel that sat in the corner. We all turned and slowly faced him, looking at him like he was nuts. Which, of course, he was. In a good way. Ryan, on the other hand, ran over and hugged him.

"It's okay, Pewds, it's okay." Ryan said, petting his head. I started cracking up, clutching my stomach and leaning on Toby.

"Look, bros, food!" Felix said, turning his attention away from the barrel and to the table full of treats. There was freaking everything! Chicken, pie, mashed potatoes, toast, salad, candy, soup, and cake. And so much more, of course.

We all took a seat, me at the head of the table, and began to stuff our faces.

Deep into eating our food, a loud bang thundered in the corridor. All eyes turned to the door.

We jumped up, prepared to run from the room, each of us tightly gripping a chair and holding it up. The door flung open, and Felix and Ryan's chairs went flying across the room.

"Jesus Christ! What the fuck, Pewdie?!" A tall golden man, gripping a sword, stood in front of a short, lanky, pinkish boy in the hall.

"STEPHANO! PIGGY!" Felix screeched, running across the room and flinging his arms around the figures in the doorway.

The rest of us exchanged glances, then shrugged and relaxed. Stephano pulled the door shut, and him and Piggy came farther into the room.

"Wait, there's a girl?!" Piggy asked, sounding disturbingly excited. The boys all looked at me, holding back laughter.

"Uhm, yeah, hi. You're Piggy, right?" He smiled, as if amazed that I knew him.

"Yes, and I'm Stephano. Introductions are over, let's get eating." Stephano answered for Piggy, cutting social time short. We went back to eating, pulling up extra chairs for the new members of our posse. Piggy pulled his up beside me.

I was slurping some spaghetti, enjoying eating, when I felt something moving along my thigh.

"What the?!" I looked under the table and saw a pinkish hand resting high up on my thigh.

"Excuse me, that thigh is private property." I stated, staring at Piggy.

"Belonging to whom?" He had a mischievous smirk, and I was annoyed with his smug attitude.

"Me, moron!" I threw his hand away from my leg, holding back a 'grrrrrr'.

Dan, having overheard our little chat, interjected.

"Piggy, what the actual fuck?" Piggy threw his hands up in defense, Dan just narrowed his eyes.

"Piggy, your constant harassment of the female gender makes me sick." Stephano said, smiling. All the boys laughed.

The rest of the meal went by normally, and we set off.

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