Ch. 21

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::Delilah's POV::

I told Dan that I didn't know the inscription meant I could only save one, but that was a lie. As soon as I had the vial in my palm, glowing and radiating heat, I knew someone was going to die.

I felt so responsible for everyone, all at once, in that moment. Never in my life had I held the life of someone else in my hands, let alone in such immediate circumstances. It was awful.

I didn't make the conscious decision to save Cry and let Phil die. But after the shock of comprehension hit, I'd just jumped to Ryan. I tried to explain that to Dan, but he didn't want to look at me.

I hated everything, right then. I wasn't a spiteful or vengeful person, nor was I all too violent outside of videogames, but I made the decision that I was gonna slaughter 'The Master'. He killed Phil, and even though I'd only just met him, that was not okay. These boys were my world while I was here, and hoped if we ever got back I could still keep in touch with them. This was too serious.

I'd never seen anyone die, before Phil. And I don't think that was the best first I've ever had.

"Dan, please, I didn't know! I thou-"

"Stop, damnit! I don't care right now. He's fucking dead. Oh god, he's dead. You can give your excuses another time, Delilah. Just... get away from me." He demanded, still kneeling on the table by what was Phil. I walked away.

"We can't just leave him lying here, rotting all alone..." Pewdiepie whispered to Toby, eyes sad. Toby shook his head.

"We also can't carry a body with us wherever we go for who knows how long." He responded under his breath. My lip trembled.

I wasn't one to be very emotional, at least not in a sobby-weepy-waily kind of way, but I was on the verge of a breakdown.

I told Felix that I'd be out in the hall, and pushed through the door.

It was quiet, all empty and shadowy. I didn't like being alone, but the only person I'd had was Dan, and he hated me. I dropped onto the floor.

"Hey, are you okay?" Asked the black cat, strolling up to me. I shook my head feebly.

"I know I'm usually supposed to be comedic relief when things are bad, but it looks like you need a little comforting. I know what happened, you know." Eyes wet, I peered at the cats' furry face.

"You do?" I hiccuped quietly. The cat licked his paw.

"Mhm. I know everything that goes on in this house. I'm the witch's familiar. I don't really like her all too much. It wasn't really your fault. It was the new guy in charge. I've played out my part in this game a million times, and it never went like this until this jerk took the reins." The cat griped, dropping onto my lap. I scratched behind his ear, earning a loud purr.

"Does this guy's name happen to be 'The Master'?" I asked, petting the cat.

"Ahhhh, that's nice. Huh? Oh, yeah. His name was som'in like that." He replied, voice drowsy. I opened my mouth to say something else, but a clock somewhere chimed loudly. The cat jumped up.

"Crap, I gotta go. If you ever need me, just ditch the dicks and go somewhere alone. I'll find you. Peace!" And with that, he scrammed.


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