Ch. 9

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::Dan's POV::

We all run into a room and slam the door behind us. The sound of the bro's grumbling fades. I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Where's Delilah?" Ryan asked, looking around the room.

"God damn it! We lost her again!" Stephano groaned, throwing his fists above his head.

"You should have kept a better eye on her..." Felix said, sounding genuinely concerned.

"Me? Or him?" Phil wondered aloud, pointing at me and himself.

"Neither of you, I should have watched her." Ryan stated flatly.

Things were going to shit, and Toby was singing sadly. We were all just sick of this place.

::Return to Delilah's POV::

I crumpled the letter and threw it into a fire, watching the flames eat through the paper.

I was angry, pissed, actually, and wanted to get out of the room and find the boys. I tore the room apart. Ripping up the rug, throwing furniture, pounding on the door. Nothing worked. This just made me madder.

Suddenly, in a burst of releasing anger, I shoved the bookshelf over. When it toppled to the floor, spilling it's books everywhere, it revealed a door. I pulled the fallen bookcase out of the way, and tried the door handle. It swung open easily.

The corridor it opened to was small, dark, and damp. I didn't have any oil left, but candles were all over the room. I grabbed a candle and went through the door.

The door closed loudly behind me. I told myself I'd be okay, and started walking.

The floor was muddy, and it suctioned on my boots, making a quiet 'quop' with each step I took.

"Ew..." I muttered, shaking my head. I couldn't just find a CLEAN passage way? No. Of course not. Not with 'The Master' in charge. I rolled my eyes at the awfulness of it all.

Suddenly, feeling consumed with rage, I let out a bloodcurdling scream of frustration.

::Ryan's POV::

I raised a brow, looking at the other guys.

"Did you just hear that?" I asked, my eyes widening as another screech pierced the air. They all stopped, listening.

"What is that?" Phil said, rubbing his ear.

"Maybe the bros are torturing her!" Toby yelled, causing us all to look at him like 'WHAT THE FUCK?!', in response to which he just shrugged.

"Goddamn BARRELS!" Pewdiepie moaned, glaring at the ceiling. I rolled my eyes. In his mind, everything was the barrels' fault.

"Really, though, we need to find her!" I said, staring into their eyes in turn. They nodded.

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