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::Delilah's POV::

Months have passed since Vidcon, and I've pretty much woven myself back into reality. I still get lost in thoughts about the Master, occasionally, and about everything. But, mostly, I'm okay.

Me and Bren are all settled, and I kind of explained to him that stuff went down with me and all the boys, but I didn't tell him everything. It's clear he wants to know more, but maybe I'll reveal more later, in time. Now just doesn't seem right to tell him.

Phil's not remembered a thing, but from what I hear from Dan he has strange blurry dreams about all of us. I guess that's a good sign of improvement, as long as the dreams aren't too horrifying. And me and Dan are alright. He gets that I don't got the feels he wants me to have towards him, and we're making it work.

Me and Pewds and his friends film videos together a lot, since he lives so far away. I think the distance is irrelevant, though, because we have some pretty great conversations. He's thinking of proposing to Marzia.

Toby doesn't remember. Not a clue. I think we freaked him out trying to ask. But I swear I heard him mutter 'hot hot hot' as I walked away. That was kinda funny, but also made me sad. I'm gonna miss that fluffy personality of his.

My number of subscribers is climbing ever slowly upwards. Pewdie is always Skyping me to congratulate me whenever I hit another milestone. I'm selling merch now, t-shirts and hoodies and phone cases. So, that's pretty cool.

Cry's flying out to visit me tomorrow. He's gonna be staying for a week. This isn't the first time he's done this. The first time, Bren went all dad-figure on him. I nearly killed him. Me and Ryan are still together, in case it's not obvious. I wouldn't go far enough to say we're in love, but it's closer to it than anything else I've ever felt. We're talking about maybe moving closer to each other, or maybe even getting a place together. But not for a while.

I'm just sitting in my room, editing the next video for my channel, but I have this content feeling. This isn't a 'happily ever after', or a 'the end' that I'm living, but I'm happy for now. And that's what matters, anyway. Everybody's happy.

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