Ch. 1

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My front door slammed behind me as I hobbled, wet and shivering, into the kitchen. I threw off my soaked sneakers, and hung my dripping coat on a hanger.

"Well, at least no ones home." I told myself, bounding up the stairs to my room. My room was the best place in the world to me, no one acccept Brenn and me came in here, and it had everything a Delilah could want. A flatscreen hanging on the wall, my fluffy chair postioned in front of it, the little minifridge my friend got me before he moved away, my queen sized bed, piled high with pillows and my favorite blanket. My wonderful laptop sat dorment atop my comforter, my headset and webcam next to it. I quickly changed into dry clothes; my awesome plaid pants, and purple t-shirt. I had my own bathroom, thankfully, and it was decent-sized.

After some thought I took a quick shower, so I wouldn't have to worry about it later. I pulled my rust-colored hair into a high ponytail, and sat down on my bed. Pulling on my headset, and turning on my laptop, I rolled my shoulders. I started up Amnesia, the game, and waved happily at my webcam. I was pretty popular on YouTube, I mean, I had about one million subscribers. My channel name was TheLonleyNeko.

"Hey, yo, it's Neko, and i'm home alone tonight. Ahem, FOREVER ALONE. Anywhore, I thought I'd scare the balls out of myself and play some Amnesia. So, you'ze all ready to see me piss my pants?" I grinned, hitting start.

I started to get exrememly tired after only a short time of playing, which was weird 'cause it wasn't even late. I was usually, like, almost an insomniac.

Suddenly, my eyelids drooped and I fell backwards, blackness enveloping me.

• • • • •

I woke up in a fluffy bed, with green covers. My eyes were about to flutter closed again, when a wild thought crossed my mind. 'Wait, GREEN covers?' I thought, looking around the room. It obviously wasn't mine; it was very old fashioned, and lit by candles.

'Where the heck am I?" I wondered, turning and sliding out from under the blankets. I looked around the strange room again, and looked down at myself. I was dressed in a black tank-top, a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, and combat boots. What the fuck, man, I thought. I scowled in disgust.

"That means someone dressed me..." I shivered, thinking of some perverted old dude taking my clothes off. The room seemed terribly familier, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Picking up a note that lay on the nightstand next to the bed, I read it aloud.

"Dear Delilah,

If you are reading this, then you are obviously awake. I welcome you to Brenninburg Castle, I highly advise you to take what supplies I have left you, and hide in the closet. This is the only time I will help you."

The note wasn't signed, but it didn't matter all too much right then. I was in shock. 'Brenninburg Castle?' I thought, my eyes widening.

"That means..." I was cut off by gigantic blood-stained claws slashing at the door.

"I'm in Amnesia!" I screeched, running for the closet standing in the corner. I closed the doors quickly, and stood facing the doors. My heart was pounding, and I was sure the Bro would hear it. It searched the room, and left. I only peeked out of the closet when it's growls faded completly. I ran to the nightstand, picked up a few tinderboxes, and some Laudanum.

Taking a deep breath, I headed out into the shadowy corridoor waiting before me.

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