Ch. 12

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::Delilah's POV::

When the boys finished their tackle-hug on me, we decided to search for flashlights. We only found one in the bathrooms, but we all agreed that there had to be more somewhere else in the map.

"Felix, you've played the most Slender, I think, what do you suggest we do now?" I asked, wishing I had a hairtie to pull my hair up with. I twiddled my thumbs as we walked out into the darkness. It was chilly.

"Well, I think the truck is this way." Pewdie said calmly, pointing into the gloom.

"I say that's a good place to start." He continued, placing his hands on his hips. We headed off where he'd pointed.

I tripped a lot on the uneven ground, stumbling over roots and logs. 'Look out, Delilah', I wanted to say, 'your clumsiness is showing'.

"I see it!" Dan whisper-shouted, aiming the flashlight onto a red truck. We picked up our pace. Me and the guys surveyed the truck, attempting to loot it. Pewdiepie walked over to the small storage structure and pried at the door, trying to rip it open. Finally, with a loud creeeaakk, it swung open.

"Oh sweet Jesus." Pewdie mumbled. We all headed towards him.

"It's Vespa!" He went on, smiling excitedly. Stefano face-palmed, and the rest of us groaned.

"Rub your nipples, guys and girls, I have Vespa!" Sometimes I worried about Felix's sanity. That was one of those times.

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