Ch. 11

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::Delilah's POV::

The corridor I was traveling through still wasn't changing. I was starving and exhausted. My body was weak, and I was barely able to keep walking.

My vision was fading, and I could barely see. The not-seeing might've been more related to the dimness of my lantern than to my actual eyesight, but at that point my mind was too far gone to be able to really tell.

I remember crying out, but then everything was blackness.

::Ryan's POV::

I heard a thud, loud, like a body hitting the floor. Then, before anyone could say anything, the wall blew open. Bright light blinded all of us, and the next thing I knew I was passing out.

• • • • •

When my eyes flew open I was no longer in the castle. I was laying on the dirt ground of a forest. And on Pewdie. He rolled out from under me. The rest of the guys sat up nearby, brushing themselves off.

"Wha? Where are we?" Dan asked, rubbing his head and looking around. We all studied the environment surrounding us, feeling confused. Until Felix let out a loud 'AHA!' and smirked.

"I know where we are, bros." Felix stated, sounding proud of himself.

"Where?" Asked Phil, looking Pewds in the eye.

"Slender." He said his response dramatically.

"And cue the dramatic music." Stefano replied sarcastically.

"Dun, dun, DUUNNN!" I yelled, and Toby just about fell over laughing.

::Return to Delilah' POV::

The white tiles where covered in blood, as was I. Tiles?

"Where am I?" I looked around the restroom-like structure, but couldn't really find my way around. My head was still dizzy.

I noticed a small chair laying on it's side on the floor in the hall. Suddenly, it hit me where I was.

"Crap! I'm in Slender!"

• • • • •

::Ryan's POV::

The guys and I ended up gathering our wits and heading off into the fog. The trees were all identical, almost, and we felt kind of lost. When we finally found the bathrooms, we did a little happy dance.

Inside, the shadowy halls were seriously creepy. We moved through them in a huddle, glancing all around. We heard footsteps, and tried to remain calm.

As we rounded the corner, a bloody figure stood before us.

"SLENDERMAN!" Toby screeched, grabbing onto my arm.

"No, Toby, Slenderman doesn't have huge boo- oh, hey there Delilah!" I stopped mid-sentence, catching myself. I blushed. Pewdie shot me a sideways glance. He knew what I'd almost said. He knew me.

"Why you gotz blood on ya?" Phil asked, racing over and hugging Delilah. Dan followed, petting her head.

"I was laying in a puddle of it when I got here. I'm fine, though." She responded hugging them back. I went over and wrapped my arms around her, and so did Pewdie and Toby, and Stefano.

"We're so glad you're okay!" Toby cried, squeezing her tight.

"I. Can't. Breathe."

"Good." Pewdie said, and she laughed in our grip. For however long it'd last, being as a group felt good. We were happy to have Delilah back. Hopefully, for good.

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