Ch. 23

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::Delilah's POV::

I wanted Toby and Felix to get back. I'd tried to walk over to Dan, tried to approach him to talk, but he gave me a look that told me not to even bother.

I decided I wanted to get out of the library, so I told Stephano I'd be out exploring a little, and to tell Ryan that if he woke up from his nap.

As I left, I had to step over Cry's snoring figure. When he wasn't snoring softly, he was murmuring and rambling unintelligibly. It was kinda adorable. The talking in his sleep, not the snoring. I never got the whole 'his snore is so cute' thing. Eh.

Outside, away from all the stress and other people, I breathed deeply and smiled. I genuinely loved being alone. It wasn't exactly that I didn't like people, but when your trapped in a videogame you don't get much private time as it is, and I was just a solitary-type person, usually.

Humming a little, I went back down the staircase. In the kitchen, I found a singled loaf of bread on the counter. It was warm, like it'd just been baked. I poked it with one of the silver spoons, and since the spoon didn't turn black and since I was hungry, I began to nibble at it while sitting up on the counter.

"Hi again, Delilah!" The black cat said, pouncing up to my lap. I chuckled a little, happy to see him.

"Hey there," I replied, after swallowing my mouthful of bread.

"You seem a little happier than the last time I saw you. I'm glad. You're cute." Snorting, I played with one of his paws. I rolled my eyes.

"And you're cute, too. But you're a cat. I guess I am feeling better, though. I just wanna find this 'master' and take care of him, but other than that, things are pretty calm right now." I told the feline. He bobbed his furry head.

"I totally get that. I can take you to him, if you want. I mean, it'd be extremely dangerous, obviously, but I've been working out and I th-"

"You'd take me to him?" I demanded, plucking the cat up so I was holding his face in front of mine.

"Well, yeah." The cat said. I lowered him back to my lap. At least ten minutes passed as I sat thinking.

"Then take me to him. Let me fix some things with the guys, and then I'll meet you back here and you can show me the way. I need to get us out of here." The cat sighed a little, seeming a bit sad to hear that.

"I'm gonna miss you when you're gone... Hmph. I'll live, I suppose." I laughed, rubbing his ear.

"You'll see me whenever I play Witch's House. Don't worry, I won't forget about you or something dumb like that." This seemed to ease his mind a tad, and he started to purr.


• • • • •

::Dan's POV::

I turned to look when I heard the library doors squeal open, only to see Delilah walk through. She looked very determined, and a lot less sullen then she had only a short while earlier. My already deep frown deepened as she began to head in my direction, and I'm sure that if looks could kill, an atom bomb couldn't rival all the death I'd have caused in that moment.

"Dan, we're going to talk." I shook my head, lips firmly pressed together. She narrowed her eyes.

"Sorry, we aren't going to talk, I should rephrase that. You are going to listen. I did not want Phil to die, I wish he hadn't. I have no reason why I helped Ryan, I just did. Grow up and adjust to the circumstances. It wasn't my fault. You are making me feel like shit, when all I did was try and be a hero. I'm not that person, I'm not a fucking hero. I'm trying to be some kind of good leader for this group, and you are not helping. Get your shit together, Dan, because I really like you and I want you to stop being a prick." She told me, voice low but hard as obsidian. I swallowed hard.

"I- I'm sorry." I replied quietly. She threw her arms around me and squeezed so tight that it kind of hurt.

"It's alright." Just then, the door swung open again, and Pewdie walked in, shortly followed by Toby.

"We did it, bros!" Pewdiepie cheered, causing Ryan to wake suddenly.

Delilah flew across the room and hugged them both, leaping up before slinging her arms around them.

"I want us all to be on good terms. I love all you guys, okay?" Delilah said, looking melancholy.

"We love you too, Del!" Toby cried, returning the hug she gave him.

"I'm going to go gather some food real quick, I already scouted the area just a little bit ago. Stephano, can you hold down the fort?" Delilah said firmly, cheeks flushed, that determined look on her face again. Stephano nodded.

"Bye!" And she dashed out the door.

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