Ch. 6

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We had finished eating and moved out into the hallway, chattering quietly.

It was pretty normal, for the most part, as we made our way. But at the end of the corridor, there was only one door.

We hesitantly went through, and trudged down a stone stairway. It was cramped, and I was smushed between Phil and Ryan.

We came out into a dark dungeon, and our lanterns flickered. I shivered. We walked quickly, and I avoided glancing into the prison cells. I was a bit frightened of what might be in them. But you wouldn't believe what we saw as we rounded the corner.

"Pewdie?! Is that you!?" An African American woman squealed, sounding like a strangled chipmunk.

"Please, God, let this be a nightmare." Felix mumbled, rubbing his temple. I stepped behind Dan a bit, freaked out.

"Pewds, is that who I think it is?" Ryan asked, sounding like he pitied Felix if it was who he thought.

"Yes, it's Jennifer." He sighed, sounded entirely upset. It took all of my strength not to burst out laughing.

The woman ran over, squealing the whole time.

"Pewdiepie, I missed you sooooo much!" Ryan face-palmed.

"Jennifer, it's nice to see you." Pewdie said, breathing in deeply, and sounding stressed. He had a very pained expression on his face.

Jennifer came closer, I assumed to hug Felix but, she noticed me beside him behind Dan, and she scowled.

"Is that a girl?" Jennifer said, sounding disgusted.

"Yeah, hi there." I said, fully revealing myself. She looked me up and down. Then turned back to Pewdie.

"Pewdie, is she your girlfriend?" She sounded like she was on the brink of flying into a murderous rage.

"No, Marzia is. In real life. At home." Pewdie sounded relieved that Marzia was far away from Jennifer's creepy wrath.

My hand brushed against Felix's leg as we shifted our stances. Unluckily for me, Jennifer noticed.

She had been on the verge of breaking, and she broke. Jennifer flew across the room, tackling me to the floor. My back slammed against the cobblestone ground, and I felt the air escape my lungs as Jennifer's immense weight crushed my smaller frame.

The boys dived to grab her shoulders, but we rolled a few feet away. I could hear her high-pitched voice squeaking in my ears.

Suddenly, I could breath once again, Jennifer had gotten off of me. I propped myself up on my elbows and I was rubbing the back of my head, when I saw my attacker standing near the boys again. I was about to shout for assistance, when the ground shook, and I saw huge boulders tumbling from above and entirely blocking the space and everyone else.

I was alone, and I didn't even have my lamp with me. I could hear their outraged shouts from the other side, but I couldn't see a thing. There was a room beside me, and I decided to hide in there until I came up with a better idea. A closet stood open on the other side of the room, and I stepped inside it, curling up at the bottom and shutting the doors.

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