Ch. 31

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::Delilah's POV::

The following evening, after a long and exciting day at Vidcon, we all headed to Pewdie's hotel room to meet. Marzia was out filming a video with Michelle Phan, so we were all clear.

By the time I arrived, dragging Cry along, still wearing his mask, everyone else was already there.

"Guess who remembers!" I cheered happily, raising Cry's fist in the air like you would a wrestling champions'. Felix ran over and abducted Ryan into a bromance bear hug, and it appeared to be a hug of smothering bestfriendship. I smiled wide, clasping my hands together and holding back an 'awwwwe'.

Dan came striding across the room, looking a tad high strung. He wasn't as loose as he usually was. His shoulders were taught and his hands were clenched.

"Delilah, can I talk to you?" He said anxiously. I threw my coat on a chair, glancing at Cry and Pewds.

"Sure, those boys need a moment, anyway." I replied. The two of us stepped out into the hall, with him awkwardly twiddling his thumbs.

"So, basically, I have no idea what's happening, but I think I really like you. Like, otp fanfic, like you. Like, tumblr text post, like you. Like, your favorite tv show just confirmed your headcannon, like you." He blurted, gesturing and fidgeting and breathing and blushing. I smiled huge.

"Everybody loves me!" I sang, quoting the song and dancing stupidly. Dan looked at me expectantly.

"Oh, right. Uhm, dude, I think you're the bomb and whatever but I kind of like someone else. I don't mean to, like, friendzone you, but I just can't see us like that. You're cute and nice and whatever but I don't feel it." I told him, shuffling my feet. He closed his eyes.

"I knew it. I was sure you and Ryan had a thing, but I still hoped. Fuck, rejection sucks." He replied, rubbing his face. I hugged him.

"I really wish I could comfort you, since I've been friendzoned in the past, so I know how it feels, but we both know that'd just make it worse. I'm gonna run away now." I sputtered, dashing back into the room. Inside, Cry and Felix were talking about how good it was to see each other.

I leapt onto the end of the bed, where they sat, toppling them both over. They laughed.

"We're a club, now, I decided. We are the Rememberers, because we remember." Pewdie told me. I high fived him.


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