Ch. 29

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::Delilah's POV::

It was hard adjusting back into my real life. My videos weren't as engaging, Bren and I didn't have our usual late-night gaming sessions, and I just felt a little heavy. It was good to be home, and not feel like ridiculous danger was waiting in every shadow, but I missed the action. Mostly, I missed the guys.

So, when it was time to fly to Vidcon, I felt much sadder than I should have. I was thinking of the first time I ever went to Vidcon, long before I had even a thousand subscribers, I'd stand there thrilled to get to say hi to all the different people that excited and entertained me. And when it got to where I was like that for others, and fans came smiling up to me, Vidcon became my heaven. But now, knowing that the boys I'd thought I'd grown close with wouldn't even recognize me, it was going to be hell.

• • • • •

"Hello, my lovely lonelies! Today is the first day of Vidcon! I'm just about to head out the door and down there to see as many of you folks as possible. I got my signing sharpie and everything!" I told my vlogging camera, lifting my messenger bag off the hotel bed. I slipped my feet into my shoes and walked over to the door.

"I'll keep you filled in as the day goes on, but that's about it for now." I blew a kiss and turned the camera off, treading down the hall to the elevator. I heard the sounds of other youtubers talking to cameras behind every hotel room door I passed, and it put a small smile on my face. Taking a deep breath, and licking my lips, I told myself to forget all the worries and focus on the fans and my friends. I was planning to film a collab video with Zoella later that night, so even if the day didn't go well I knew I had that to look forward to.

"Gotta get my game face on..." I muttered quietly. Just as I began to smile, the elevator dinged open to the main floor and I walked out into the day.

• • • • •

::Dan's POV::

Even though I was nearly positive my imagination had created the elaborate plot of the games, something in me kept me looking for her at Vidcon. Delilah, I mean.

"Dan, what're we getting for breakfast?" Phil asked, walking out of the bathroom where he'd been getting ready. I blinked a little, refocusing my attention.

"Probably McDonalds. You know what they say, 'when in Rome' and all." I told him. He laughed, and began rummaging around for his wallet. When he was no longer looking at me, I allowed the semi-frown I'd been wearing lately to return. I felt as if being trapped with everyone was real, but Phil didn't remember a thing. Not to mention he wasn't dead. That caused me a near heart attack when I first woke up at home. It also assured me that I must be out of my mind.

"Vidcon's gonna be wild." Said Phil, looking up. I plastered a smile on as quick as I could.

"I bet."

• • • • •

::Delilah's POV::

After my first meetup with my fans, I decided to wander a little. I was walking into the lobby when I saw Pewdie come strutting in from somewhere, girlfriend at his side. Marzia kissed his cheek, said something to him, and ran off. She probably had her own meet-and-greet of sorts to be at.

He had his hands tucked in his pockets, and while he looked so utterly happy and in love when Marzia was with him, the moment she was gone he had a bewildered and bitter look on his face. A look that was totally not Pewdiepie style. Seeing him like that made me a little sad, since if my weird dreams had been real I'd have considered us true bros. But it wasn't as if I could run over all crazy and happy to see him and have him not call security on me. I sighed a little too loud, pulling out my phone to waste some time.

As I began to play Doodle Jump, Pewdie looked up. Feeling his eyes on me, I paused the game and slowly lifted my head. He arched a brow.

"Delilah?" He asked calmly. I smiled halfheartedly.

"In the rotting flesh." I replied, sounding sarcastic, but with an overwhelming background tone of sadness. His eyes lit up, and he sprinted up to me.

"That's what you said! When we met! In Amnesia!" He exclaimed desperately, under his breath. My eyebrows shot up.

"Wait, wait, wait. You remember?" I whispered back. I was starting to feel hopeful.

"Every last detail, D. I tried to talk to Cry about it, but he was really confused. Like, more than me. I don't know. But I'm not too close in real life with anyone else so I couldn't really contact them." I nodded at his response, throwing my arms around him and squeezing tightly.

"I'm so glad I'm not crazy." I breathed, still hugging Felix.

"Well, I wouldn't say you aren't crazy. You definitely are. But you're also right about the fact that all the craziness really happened." He teased. I punched his arm.

"We gotta find the other guys."

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