Ch. 17

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::Delilah's POV::

As we followed Cry, I tried to focus on the task at hand. Everyone was unusually quiet, the only thing that could be heard was heavy breathing. I think it's safe to say we were all a little uneasy. Dan's hand found it's way back to mine eventually, and trembling more than before.

"You ok?" I whispered, squeezing his hand like I had before.

"Um, yeah, fine." He gave me a unstable smile.

"I'm kind of rusty, sorry guys." Cry said from his place leading our posse.

"Don't we need to bring the torso to the big bear in the basket?" Pewdie asked, directing the question at Ryan.

"If I remember correctly, yup." Cry replied. He scratched his head near the edge of his mask, thinking.

"How sick and twisted does this game get?" Phil muttered to himself. He looked sort of sick, but not quite as scared as Dan.

"Very." Cry and Pewdie answered simultaneously.

"So are we gonna finish this, or what?" Toby interupted, sounding frustrated.

"Everyone calm down! Do we not trust Cry and Stephano?" Stephano shouted authoritatively.

"This is worse than Amnesia." Piggy piped in before returning his chubby face to it's place mushed against Jennifer's. Slurping sounds ensued. I made a face and turned away.

Cry pulled open a door, which opened into a hallway. There was one door right in front of us, and another farther down. Looking unsure, Cry paused again, glancing wearily between the two doors.

"C'mon, Ryan. Even I remember this part. It's this one!" Pewdiepie exclaimed, marching over and opening the nearby door. The room was empty except for a basket with a teddy bear in it, and a small note on the wall. I flitted over to the note, reluctantly dropping Dan's hand.

'Dear Delilah,

Take a good look at those around you. Do you trust them? One of them could be your downfall. One of them might not survive the night. We'll have to wait and see, won't we? I hope you know whatever little love-story you're imagining is not going to work out. I mean, really, Delilah, what makes you think any of them like you? Anyway, despite your frequent and continuos misbehavior, I've decided I owe you a gift. Check the red cookie tin in the other room in this hall. You'll find some useful things. Don't show anyone this note, or I will loose a very unfriendly pet of mine into this room. For now, that is all.

-The Master'

Crumpling the note, I stuffed it in my pocket. No one had noticed me reading it. I walked back over to Dan, and poked his shoulder. He turned to me.

"I'm gonna be in the hallway, in case anyone asks, I need some air. I'll be right back." I told him, close to his ear in a volume barely above whisper. He nodded, fixing his hair.

Slipping into the hall, this was the first time I felt truly nervous. I'd been scared near shitless while stuck in these games, but hadn't really felt uneasy with any of the guys. Now, with what The Master had said, I wasn't as sure. I was fairly certain that the exact purpose of him saying the things he did was to mess with my brain and make me doubt everyone, but when magic is involved as well as videogames, fairly certain might not be enough.

• • • • •

Inside the other room, amongst a pile of other torn-open presents, sat a red cookie tin, just as described. I picked it up, and wedged a fingernail under the rim of the lid. Feeling anxious, I popped the top off and peered in.

There was a vial with a note attached and a large kitchen knife. Irritated already, by the simple fact that there was another note, I plopped the vial and knife into my pocket and dropped the tin. I looked towards the ceiling.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked sadly, narrowing my eyes at the blankness above me. I was getting quite sick of jumping through hoops.

Careful not to rip it, I unfolded the second note.

'Dear Sweet Delilah,

I really enjoy being alone with you. It's so cute to see the 'crime-solver' look you get on your face. I just wanna pinch your cheeks when you look like that. I digress. The vials purpose will be revealed when the timing is right, so I suggest keeping it with you at all times. The knife, however, has a purpose for which you will use it very soon. It depends how soon, though, on you. If you choose to, you can stray from the rest of the group. I ensure that you'll beat the game and make it home alive to see Brenn again, if you choose that fate. If not, and you stay with your new 'friends', whether or not you all survive rest solely on the idea that you all trust each other. If you do, you may all beat the game and get home. In the most probable case that you do not all trust each other, I will kill everyone but you. You will remain here, trapped, spending the rest of your days as a personal entertainer for me. Up to you. Ta ta!

-The Master'

I put the note in my pocket with the other one, breathing heavily. It was on, Master, it was fucking on.

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