Ch. 14

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::Cry's POV::

Staring into the faceless face of Slenderman, my brain went all fuzzy. The last thing I heard before going under was Pewdies shrill scream.

• • • • •

"Augh, my asshole." I heard someone moan. I assumed it was Felix, being that that was something only he'd say. My eyes opened, and I squinted against bright sunlight. That was a first since being trapped in the games.

"Phil, are you okay?" Dan questioned a form laying on the grass in fetal position.

"I'm not sure..." Was it's reply, sighing. I smiled, despite the situation.

"Yes! I'm not all alone again!" Delilah shouted, leaping off the ground. I waved, and she waved back.

The choppy grass was an unnaturally bright shade of green, and it was speckled here and there with perfect little flowers. I furrowed my brows. The pattern had seemed to be that we'd end up in horror games, so I was totally confused. Where were we this time?

"This place is perty," Toby observed, helping Stephano and Piggy up. Jennifer pulled herself up by Pewdie's leg. He frowned.

"Shit, are we where I think we are?" Delilah asked bitterly, turning to face Felix. Her face had a layer of bravery over a pound of fear. She looked a little scared, for the first time since I'd met her.

"If I'm right, and you're thinking what I'm thinking, then yes..." Pewds informed her, holding out the key we'd found before transporting.

"And just where is that?" Demanded Dan, looking frustrated at Pewdiepies riddling way of speaking.

"The Witch's House." Whispered Felix, grabbing Stephano's shoulder.

::Delilah's POV::

"Well, we're fucked." I said, slumping my shoulders. My hair fell over one of my eyes, and I literally felt like giving up.

"Not for sure. I mean, me and Ryan beat the game, so we might have a chance." Pewdie argued, kicking at the dirt.

"Oh yeah, I remember now. We got this!" I brightened, throwing a fist in the air. Dan chuckled, Felix smiled, but Ryan remained silent. For just a moment.

"I hope..."

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