Ch. 20

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::Delilah's POV::

Phil was asleep pretty much as soon as he closed his eyes. I laid beside the table with Dan by my other side, Cry by my head, and Toby near my feet. Phil snuggled next to Dan, and Pewdie was looking a little sad. I bet he was missing Marzia. Poor Pewds. Piggy and Jennifer we're across the room doing something; I didn't know- and didn't want to know- what.

I couldn't stop thinking about the vial. What the fuck could it possibly be for? Was it like an Alice in Wonderland potion? Was I gonna have to shrink? Not to mention I was weary about falling asleep in a fucking witch's house. I was practically an insomniac that night.

When I finally sagged into an uneasy sleep, I could've sworn I heard someone mumbling.

'Get ready...'

I was born ready. At least I thought I was.

• • • • •

::Cry's POV::

Things happened fast that next morning. We'd rummaged around in the kitchen and found some food, so we were all sitting at the dining table stuffing our faces. Delilah looked tired, like maybe she hadn't slept too great. I felt bad, but didn't quite understand. I wasn't a big sleeper. I could sleep when I had time, but if I didn't I'd still be fine. That's why I could handle doing such long and frequent livestreams.

When we finished eating, and were justing getting up to leave, a zombie crawled out of the fireplace.

"REALLY?!" Yelled Dan, jumping onto the table. My eyes widened. Delilah seemed to be fumbling to pull her knife out.

The zombie bit Phil's ankle, causing him to scream like someone'd grabbed his nuts. Dan yanked him up onto the table, and the zombie turned towards Delilah.

It was literally the most un-thought-out thing I'd ever done, but I leapt at the monster. He fell under my weight. I struggled to try and get away, feeling defeated when his teeth sunk into my arm. I clenched my teeth, moaning.

My vision began blurring. I didn't want to die. At least Delilah was safe.

• • • • •

::Delilah's POV::

Blood. And a hell of a lot of it. That fucking zombie came out of nowhere.

"Kill the zombie!" Toby screeched. I charged at the skinsack, sinking my knife into the back of his skull. It didn't look like I'd be getting anymore use out of that thing.

I rolled the corpse off Ryan, crouching low. And then I saw that he was bit. I backed up.

My pocket felt warm. I reached in and pulled out the vial, needing the momentary distraction from the far-too-harsh reality I was facing.

Glowing letters were etched into the glass.

'This vial contains the cure. Who will you save?'

• • • • •

::Cry's POV::

I heard lots of shouting. It sounded like Delilah said something about not having enough time. I saw her through the unfocused fog my eyes were filling with, bending close to me.

"You're gonna be able to live, Ryan. Don't worry, we're getting to play doctor. Heh. I'm sure you'd laugh about that if you weren't practically comatose. Bad stuff just happened, and I kinda need you. Dan was the person I had been talking to the most, obviously, but he's mad that I didn't... Anyway, just focus on getting better. We won't move forward till you're up and at 'em." She said, brushing my hair away from the eyeholes of my mask.

"I can't believe this..." I heard Dan wail from somewhere out of my field of vision.

"I did the best I could! You can't be..."


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