Ch. 30

822 30 7

::Delilah's POV::

Me and Pewds went running off. We'd read online that Dan and Phil were gonna set up a signing table thing, but we had no clue how long they'd be there.

When we jogged up to the area, we noticed that the line was insane. I looked worriedly at Pewdie.

"I'm about to obnoxiously use my status to get us up there." Pewds whispered confindently, marching right alongside the people waiting in line.

"Excuse me, pardon me, worlds most subscribed youtuber coming through!" Felix announced loudly, striding proudly. I scuttled along timidly behind.

As we neared the front, I heard Dan's voice. He hadn't seen us yet, but he could tell by the outburst of complaints from the waiting people that some commotion was happening.

"Hey, you can't mess with these people. They're waiting their turn fairly, they deserve a little respect." Dan called out. He stopped speaking just as me and Pewdie emerged in front of the table. His eyes brightened and he stepped away from the table. He grabbed Felix and I by the arms and dragged us down a nearby hall.

"What're you two doing?" He asked impatiently. Pewdiepie planted his hands on his hips.

"Tell him, Delilah." Pewdie said.

"We remember, Dan. Do you?" I asked, crossing my fingers so tight that I could feel the blood pounding in my hand.

"Yes! Thank god! Phil doesn't remember a thing, though. I thought I was losing it." Dan replied, hugging us tightly. I ruffled his hair as I pulled away.

"I'm happy that you remember. I wonder why Phil doesn't..." I pondered. Pewds punched my shoulder.

"Because he died, duh. That must've wiped his memory." I glared at him, despite the fact that it made sense. Turning back to Dan, I looked him in the eye.

"Have you seen Toby at all?" Dan shook his head sadly at my question.

"Yes, actually. He doesn't remember it, either. His brain must've been cleared as well. I was literally so disappointed after I talked to him. I figured he'd reassure me that I wasn't nuts, that it had happened, but he hadn't a clue about any of it." He told us, looking a little bitter. Then he smiled.

"But, luckily, you guys remembered. Have you met up with Cry?" He directed this question more at Felix than me, but Felix just laughed.

"Silly Dan, Cry doesn't go to Vidcon. He doesn't show his face." He teased Dan. Dan huffed irritatedly.

"Well, I have to finish the signing, but how about we all meet up tomorrow night to talk about everything?" Pewdie and I nodded. I hugged Dan again and then left him back to his signing.

After strolling happily for a few minutes, me and Pewds went and grabbed some lunch. We talked about filming a video together soon, and then he had to go to a meet up. It was nice, and I was feeling much better. I was a bit sad that Toby and Phil would never remember everything, but I was glad it actually happened and I wasn't just a lunatic.

• • • • •

I was walking down the hall later that night, jamming to some Driftless Pony Club, when all of a sudden a hand reached out of a room and yanked me in. The door slammed loudly behind me. I immediately assumed it was the 'Master', so I whirled around angrily, fists up. But it wasn't the 'Master'. It was Cry.

"Holy shit, dude! Why the fuck did you go all kidnap-rape on me just then?" I yelled, breathing a sigh of relief. His shoulders slumped.

"Because I'm very confused. I remember you, but I don't know why. I don't remember meeting you, but I remember you. I remember that you hide your face when you laugh, that you killed a zombie, that you got tackled by Jennifer, and that you saved me. I don't know details, but I know these things. At least, I think I know them." Cry babbled, fidgeting nervously. He scratched the back of his head, shuffling his feet. I yanked him into a hug.

"The machine must've partially swiped your memory. But at least you remember some things. Phil and Toby are completely swept, they don't know what the fuck me, Pewdie, or Dan are talking about when we try to bring it all up. Which sucks, but I'm glad you remember stuff." Ryan was stiff at first, but softened into the hug. He nodded.

"And Delilah..." He started.

"What?" I asked, pulling out of the hug but still standing close. I bounced on my toes, curious.

"I remember one other thing, one complete thought. That I really like you. As more than a bro. Friend. Thing. Agh." He sputtered. I blinked, shocked.

"It's weird, but I think I get you. I kind feel it, too." I agreed, tilting my head up to look at him. It didn't really matter that I looked up, however, because he was wearing his mask.

"Really?" He asked, one hand raising slowly. To do what, I wasn't sure.

"Obviously, or I wouldn't have said it, dumbass." I muttered, blushing a bright red. His hand reached its destination; the bottom edge of his mask. He pushed it up so his lips were peeking out. I looked at them. And then he pushed it all the way up so that it rested on top of his hair.

"Hi." He said. I stared at his face, then smiled.

"You're cute." He flicked the bridge of my nose.

"Let's stop with the flirty banter and just kiss already, the sexual tension is at an unnatural high." I rolled my eyes, but leaned in and kissed him. When we broke apart Cry looked a little mussed up, and very adorable.

"I hate you, Ryan." I informed him clearly. He smirked.

"Oh, really?"

"Yup, because I still haven't forgiven you for scaring the shit out of me today." I replied stubbornly, poking him square in the chest.

"Well, I was attacked by a zombie. Cut me some slack." He joked. I shoved him a little.

"Never." He grinned evilly at me.

"I remember everything." He threw out there, and he didn't appear to be kidding. Was this like Sleeping Beauty? The magic kiss fixes everything. The thought was hilarious to me.

"Then you're coming with me to meet with the other two boys." I instructed him, making it sound like he had no choice. He twirled a strand of my hair around his finger.

"I'll go anywhere with you." Laughing so hard that I snorted at Cry's response, I rolled my eyes.

"That was so cheesy. Like, extra cheese. It's a good thing I'm not lactose intolerant, or else you would've killed me just now." I said, still laughing.

"I almost died recently. And I'm not talking about the run-in with the zombie. I'm talking about when you stole my heart." He oozed. I clutched my chest.

"I'm gonna have a heart attack from all the cholesterol in that god damn cheese, there, Cry. Fuck you."


"Shut up."

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